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Everything posted by Uppy

  1. So what kind of cars do you have? My dad owens a truck and car. My mom wants to get a van though.
  2. Sorry about that. I am a little rough on my speling. get it? I spelled spelling wrong. oh never mind.
  3. My cat max died about four years ago and I really miss him. :-(
  4. I am sowy really. Will you forgive me?*Sniff*
  5. my,my,What a fuss you make.Ha.
  6. I think he should become a slave to you for a least a year.
  7. A. Become an actress. B. Have a good Christian family. C. Marry A Christian guy
  8. Ahh. Mine is 123-4567890 and type that in acouple hundred times and you will be able to talk to me.
  9. I would not want a boy friend that always seems to need a belt.....
  10. It makes them look like they need someone to tell them to get a belt. Ha Ha.
  11. Why? It is fun to brake trees get bruises and cuts and get injured. You get more attetion that way. In all the wrong ways though. People probebly think you are a big GEEK!!!!! Just pulling your leg.(off the tree that is.) Ha ha. Just kidding.
  12. Okay, okay, it looks like you have gone a bit stir frey crazy with all this attention........ Just kidding. Ha ha ha ha.
  13. Huh? Big brother? wow is he here? If he is not lets gosip..... Just kidding. Ha ha ha.
  14. Thats true. It never impresses me either. It makes them look more silly then it does cool. Don't ask me how it would impresse the ladys
  15. Why don't men ever pull up there pants???
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