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Everything posted by Uppy

  1. So what is your life long dream. I have always wanted to become an actress. But for now I am stuck working at my dad's shop for a living. BTW I am not grown up.
  2. Well.......... Uh have a great time.(I guess.) just kidding. have a bad time.(really, really bad time.) I wish I could go on vacation to Sandi Ago.
  3. I am going to have school till I am done with it.(If you understand what I am trying to say.)
  4. You are soooo wierd. Don't ask me what is so cool about a pesky fish?
  5. What is this thing about Randy's chocolates??? <_
  6. Yo, what happend with your avitor?
  7. Chopitol.(or how ever you spell it.) is gross. :-(
  8. Yes, ironic. I don't know how you could live without clibming a tree!!!
  9. Isn't that kinda weird. Oh and I heard that from a person who is an expert on Great Danes.
  10. It is so funny. My mom is French and she says it is very true.
  11. In France they Cute off there tails just too be mean.
  12. Well Cobra, I am feeling alot better since tuesday. But my right rist is still swollen.
  13. Dunno. Some really pesky fish that wasn't going to leave me alone any time soon.
  14. Have you ever fallen from a tree before? Once my dad did and broke his arm. I also fell from a tree just a couple days ago. I didn't brake my arm though I just spraned both my rists and my knee.
  15. Wait that Great Dane has croped ears.....Not very good. Did you know that when you cut of a Great Danes tail it can barely walk???
  16. Hay wait minute. How do you know this guys name is Matt? Did he tell you or are you guys freinds? I am sooo cunfused.
  17. THe biggest animal I ever caught was a 5" fish. No joke!!!
  18. Yeah,The owner has named all his past Great Danes (He had Seven!) after Greek names so we dicede to name our Great Dane a greek name. Athena is SO cute. I wish we could download pics.
  19. No, I meant when the Sturginsurgin2000 and TheCobra1 go to Jasons moms house and somtimes he's there. More like all the time and we get to talk to them. I go to because I can't stay home ligaly.
  20. Yeah matt trying to make me get you a reputation!!!
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