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Everything posted by Uppy

  1. What do you mean by sheltered?
  2. Hey, welcome dude for the second time.
  3. BTW how old are you turning?I am to lazy to go to your profile.
  4. Dude, Welcome,welcome, welcome. I guess you are part of the herd now.
  5. Dude like . Enjoy the forums.
  6. Oh I see. Gas prices are going down. Yesterday it was $2.05.
  7. Dude, Forget I said anything about health insurence.Okay?
  8. But come on man, Erik is himself American!!!! Couldn't I criticize the French being myself French? Had I written that, I agree you could have argued, but you can't blame him for saying so! dude what the ... I didn't say that. I don't know how you got that but its not cool.
  9. The state pays for your health insurence?
  10. Happy birthdayand remember to drink lots of wine.
  11. Uppy, when you are 65 and you have no more money to pay for your health insurance, no more money to have paid for your children's education, you wish you had be in favour of state funded schools ... Besides, I am a teacher working for the state ... and if I showed you my payroll, you would not believe it is so low ... so, try to think about what you are saying before you say it ... do you know how much a teacher earns in the US? you should try to find it out. I would never teach a big lie to kids just to get money. even i I was despret.(Sp?)
  12. I barely have any. (Working at my dads machine shop.) (Weeding the garden.) (brushing my dads hiar.) I get payed for all those.
  13. Well don't you think this whole thread is not proper? and don't you think this thread is offensive?
  14. Well it is not nice for Curu to say all these bad things about the Americans. I mean come on how old is this guy anyway?
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