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Everything posted by Uppy

  1. @EKen132 nither of them. You see I have 2 other brothers that don't go on WFG.
  2. Ouch that's scary. You have mt sipathy(Sp?)
  3. Really? My brothers birthday is on the 4th too.
  4. I smile when i'm happy. seriousely(Sp?) what really makes me smile is seeing a fuuny movie or reading a fuuny book.
  5. I have not posted on a spam thread sice I got on five minutes ago.
  6. What do you mean though Jason made it? can't remember but someone told me Jason made the new forum.
  7. Yep.*Uppy walkes to Black Op and gives him another glass of wine. Little does Black Op know that the glass is posined.* I have to stop posting on the spamming threads soon but the prob is that it is so much fun. If people didn't like the spamming threads then why didn't they just ask Chichi of Tut to close it?
  8. This sort of spamming is fun. You get to makeup stories and all that kind of stuff.
  9. Yo no info here except enjoy yourseld and don't get into trouble.
  10. Well I am a citizen a France and th USA so I would say both.
  11. I really like the new forum. Jason all the way!!! *In the name of decency, don't make posts using more than 10 exclaimation points at once and multiple smilies used just for the heck of it ~ Randy*
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