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Everything posted by Argalius

  1. That is the nice thing, you only have to change a small thing and the whole history would change
  2. I'm just a rookie here, I'm here for, hmm, 2 months now I think.
  3. No memorial day here I guess, at least not that I know of So no plans for me.
  4. Both are the same to me, but I don't drink both a lot.
  5. I know, now I have a really big handicap I know, I'm working on it, but I want to mix different textures in to one in 3ds max, but it doesn't work.
  6. Next time also use Bedankt, it's Dutch
  7. Well I meant that it's relaxer since some of the spam topics have been closed But that could also just be my mood, I'm in a good mood you know
  8. I think the General Chat has changed after the closing of some of the associations. There now is a friendlier spirit in the GC It's more relax, don't you think?
  9. Thanks for the info :drug: I really should have picked another name, it's ARGALIUS. Too bad, but Wijit rejected me But don't lets be sad, let's be happy :drug: And btw, I really s*ck with texturing, I want to improve it but I have no clue how :-(
  10. Oooh, are we going to do some naughty stuff? I like that
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