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Everything posted by Vantha

  1. Pr #32: market, dock, and merchant ship of Athenians https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/32 I will write market, dock and merchant ship for Macedonians next.
  2. Are the Macedonians in 0ad set before or after Alexander the Greats conquest of Persia?
  3. We already have been collecting all the sources. Maybe we should add the most important sources as comments to the files to help the translators.
  4. I have found comments in some files written like this: <!-- comment -- > In the mercenary mixin for example.
  5. And ... another pull request! #24 about markets, docks and merchant ships of the Seleucids and Ptolemies: https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/24
  6. Pull request 23 was just opened: I created a mixin for all traders
  7. @Norse_Harold I dont know if you still need it, but here it is anyway: The return values are the same as in your test, but i can confirm the test was run on a device connected to a router behind CGNAT.
  8. Are Skiritai spearmen in DE? Or pikemen?
  9. It would need to be rebalanced somehow, of course. Removing bartering would be very hard to rebalance, you're right. But removing merchants doesn't seem that big of a disadvantage to me. It's just an idea.
  10. The Spartans will get a civ bonus called "laws of lyrcurgus" which unlocks the champions in p1. Lyrcurgus also changed Spartas currency to hinder trading. The Spartans couldn't really engage in any form of trading. So why not remove bartering at the Spartan market or the ability to train traders?
  11. Why not nerf trading of the Spartans? (Would make sense historically) Maybe make it so the lycurgan reforms tech removes bartering. Or adds a cool down. Just an idea
  12. Naked Fanatics are not comparable to Spartiates. They have a lot less armor/resistance. Still, I agree that Spartiates should be stronger. Their upgrade also gives +25% training time, they are at most equally strong as the Macedonian silver shields. I think, Spartiates should be (more) clearly the strongest melee unit in the game for historical accuracy. Yes, Spartans are in many ways a "plain" civ, but they have the Skiritai. They are trained in p2 without any upgrade required, are substantially stronger than normal swordsmen and they can collect resources and build. They do cost wood, food and metal, but are way cheaper than normal champions. You can easily get up to 50 Skiritai in a 200 pop max game. There's no other unit like this in the game, as far as I'm aware. Btw, I think there is historical evidence of Spartans using rams.
  13. Maybe healers don't need to be killed for a player to be defeated. He played with Kushites and started with one healer.
  14. Okay I got it to work. I think the problem was that when clicking save and restart in the mod selection menu, the game restarts without checking for new mods, but I'm not sure. Also, a warning comes up saying there must not be spaces in the mod name. It's not a big problem, It can be fixed by changing the name in the mod.json from "History Mod" to "History-Mod".
  15. I couldn't, it didn't show up in the mod selection menu.
  16. Right now the upgrade that unlocks the chariots is kind of pointless, because the other upgrade costs the same and unlocks the champion cavalry archers with a smaller hitbox and another champion melee cavalry.
  17. The Persians have two champion cavalry archers:the Babylonian Scythed Chariot and the Bactrian Heavy Cavalry Archer. As far as I can tell from the structure tree, they have the exact same stats. Why do the Persians have (from a gameplay perspective) the same unit twice? Is there a reason for that or am I missing something obvious?
  18. I want to test if everything works, but I can't get the mod to show up in the mod selection menu. It requires A27, right? I tried it on the release candidate, but it didn't work. Here is what I did: I downloaded the main folder and put it into the mods folder. Inside this folder there is the mod.json and the "simulation" folder which leads to all the xml files. What am I doing wrong?
  19. Pull request #17 is opened: rearranged some paragraphs, small corrections and additions
  20. If I had to guess I would say they're Midjourney images. Am I right?
  21. Pull request #16 is opened now: ships for all Hellenistic civs (we can reuse parts of the texts for other civs as well): https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/16 I used mixins, I hope I did it correctly
  22. Thanks for your help! I will use mixins instead of creating new templates. One last question: for penteconters other than the Athenian, the parent should be just "penteconter|template_unit_ship_warship_light", right?
  23. Currently the Athenian penteconter has the Entity parent template_unit_ship_warship_light. My idea was to create a template for penteconters, paste the descripion I wrote in there and use this file as a parent for all penteconter files. So if this new file is called template_unit_ship_warship_greek_penteconter.xml, according to my understanding the line in all penteconter files should be <Entity parent="civ/athen|template_unit_ship_warship_greek_penteconter"> (and my question was whether or not to keep the civ/athen part). And the newly created template file will have the template_unit_ship_warship_light set as parent (the same as all the single files had originally). Doesnt this work? Can I kind of insert the new template file between the template_unit_ship_warship_light and all the penteconter files like this?
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