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Posts posted by Grautvornix

  1. I had a similar observation a while ago - no mod would install and just break after a it downloaded telling me it failed (folder was empty afterwards).

    The reason was identified (thanks to @Vantha!) that I had remainders (= saved games) of an old installation (0.25) on my harddisk and this conflicted with the mods somehow. Removing them solved the issue.

    @nababuSuggest to have a look as well, maybe it helps!

    • Like 2
  2. It would be even better if all domesticated animals could have a special marker causing own hunters to prefer them regardless of actual species. Then they could start top down (from best to lowest yield animal, searching along the tree of domestic animals possible for that specific civ). 

    This solution is probably a bit complicated.

    Here is probably one that seems to be easier to implement:

    Establish a pasture area element (cost of wood at least due to the fence) with similar size to a field, where a rallye point of animal production can be set. The pasture would have a max capacity of, say 10 domestic animals (any kind), and would keep them within boundaries. Any own hunter would be able  to kill the within boundaries and collect food from the pasture.

  3. In DE selecting a hero and reading the associated information is actually happening while the game is already running. I think if you leave the entry page open long enough you could loose while not even your hero was seletcted.


    Therefore I typically pause the game for this. For convenience, could there be a possibility to do hero selection before the game has actually started or auto pasue the game until hero is selected?

  4. I do like your concept of abstracting civilizational advances, just how would it manifest itself in the game? Currently the villagy-town-city pahses can be cleraly indicated, described and illustrated by means of the CC development.and the related technology tree

    How would that be working for a different type of civ? A sequence of nomadism,- settlement - fortified settlement?  Or Ships - harbours/trade route network - villages?

    It looks like thius could have the potential to create completely new aspects and strategies in gameplay?

  5. On 01/05/2024 at 8:54 PM, Grautvornix said:

    Thanks @Vantha!

    After so many years playing 0AD - I still did not discover this feature myself. Unbelievable! Getting old obviously.

    But - that already implemented, will it be a piece of cake to also add the automatic loading of needed mods?:P

    Actually - while I found the button, I cannot test it for saved games as it triggers a series of Javascript errors (but the same button does works well for mods in the mods selector page).

    Playing on Win 10 this occurs for both SVN latest and 0.26. Guess there is a more fundamental issue with my Javascript install (not that I am aware of any speciality there). Never mind.

  6. Here is a possibly strange idea that increases usability of the game a bit further:

    As someone trying different mods in SP mode, I noticed that of course you cannot resume a game that was previously saved when using mod A, if you are now using mod A and B or another mod environment. In fact the saved game is not even visible for selection at all  (but still existing).

    Would it be complex to implement a functionality that

    1. the "load-saved-game-selector-box" displays actually all saved games  - but with a little indicator if it can be used with the currently active  mods
    2. the indicator also allowing to open a list of mods that were used (including their version) when the game was saved (frankly, I sometimes forget which mods were active whan I last saved a game...)

    Furthermore it would be nice to have the following features:

    1. a button put the game into the state when the game was last saved, i.e. temporarily activate mods needed (if still available in the current game installation alse output an error message) and temporarily deactivate installed mods that cannot be used for that saved game
    2. if mods are not present output a suggestion to acquire that missing mod from mod.io

    I admit that this is not the main game feature lacking, but possibly not so difficult to implement as the list of required mods might be stored within a saved game already.

    Please let me know your thoughts!

    Best regards,


    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, Outis said:

    I think best to have the option to have 2 versions of world population with one distributed per player and to have one distributed per team.

    Great idea! In order not to overcomplicate things this should be initially only a pop cap for predefined teams. 

    Later on, we might extend this so that whatever the team size of an  ad-hoc alliance, the pop cap remains, i.e. if I play without allies then the whole pop is for me, while if I have an ally then we share the same pop cap.


    This still has to mature not sure about the consequences ...

  8. Good Idea - just, when I imagine myself in game I rather tend not to check invidual unit's statistics (basically similar to the experience level). Too much micro management for me. But that's  iust me in my relaxed and inefficient playing style (plus only SP).

    So while I like the idea as such it would be not very helpful for me.  Personal opinion of a guy not fond of too much statistics in the game.

  9. 8 hours ago, Tyrannosaurus said:

    I think the Gaia-controlled barbarian units in the pack's Gaia RMS could vary depending on biome. They could be Gallic on temperate maps, Blemmye or Bedouin on desert maps, Noba on savanna maps, etc.

    I do like this idea - but it sounds complicated to implement, unfortunately.

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