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Everything posted by Sp00ky

  1. I disagree with this to some extent. People often exaggerate about rushes in these games. I feel like rushes should have a chance to succeed. In most other games a rush is a risky business. It is usually successful towards low elo player however if the player knows how to defend then the rush leaves the attacker with a huge economic disadvantage. In fact as you climb up the elo rushes become less frequent and people tend to raid instead with small amount of units. The problem is that 0ad tcs are definitely OP and ruin a big aspect of the game, both rushes are not viable because of the sheer disadvantage of the attacker, nor raids with smaller forces if the player keeps the units close to their TC One is that they shoot without any garrisoned unit, they have massive range and they deal a ton of damage. In AoE2 for example if you want to kill the enemy explorer you have to carefully micro your vills inside the tc losing some resource gathering time, and even then it is not a guaranteed kill. In 0AD if your explorer stumbles upon an enemy TC is dead 99% of the times with no action required by the defending player. This also hinders scouting which is very important to plan a counter to your enemy strategy (altough 0AD counters or, more accurately, lack of them deserve a whole other discussion) I think a good starting change would be to change to make the TC do not shoot any arrow if no units are garrisoned inside, and generally nerf their range. Another thing that makes raiding unprofitable in 0AD is the cheap costs of units and the speed in which units are produced. In 0AD a village kill is most of the time not a big deal, another one will be spawning soon, and if the player has the tech that lets the houses spawn new villagers this is even less meaningful. This should also be tweaked if TCs are to be nerfed, both villagers and military units should take more time to train and cost more resources. That way an unsuccessful rush can be a fatal mistake because of the amount of resources invested in it.
  2. A maybe simple (or maybe not, I know how software development can be) but useful UI thing to have would be having player number filters in the skirmish map selector. So you can easily select scenarios by the number of players allowed.
  3. You mean my mod? I'm no longer unemployed and my job has sucked almost all of my free time. Sources are here https://github.com/juanfgs i/0ad_chinese_va if someone wants to pick it up . I even made some carthaginian voices based in hebrew. Should work with a27
  4. Hello Stev. As a software developer, one thing that people have the misconception is that you can just ask ChatGPT to solve any kind of programming problem. This is not the case. ChatGPT is designed as a language model, this makes it's response very believable. Yet it doesn't actually do any reasoning behind the scenes, it just tries to predict what is your desired response. For most cases this works wonderfully, specially when you are learning a technology and don't want to be going through countless post on how to make an HTTP request or how to search in a binary tree. When you ask it to actually solve a logical problem it falls apart pretty easily: I am using ChatGPT and generative AI for voices for my voice actors mod, but honestly. I try to double check it's results and see if it adjusts to what I can understand from my almost non existing knowledge of other languages than english and spanish ( I do have pretty low standards for the mod since it's an immersion thing I'm doing for myself). If you were to ask chatgpt to help you solve a bug, it might to some extent, but it wouldn't have the context that is needed to actually find a bug. And if you don't have the knowledge working with C++ or Javascript you could end up producing more bugs. Some of these could be extremely troublesome (specially with C++ and it's memory management). There is also this tendency of ChatGPT to just plainly lie about some things, for example I work with the language Elixir, I asked some help with some problems in the past, and ChatGPT basically always responded with a solution, inventing functions that didn't exist in the language. When pointed out, ChatGPT would write a slightly different code and invent a slightly different function (this is another thing dangerous and a sign that there is no reasoning behind ChatGPT, it will never tell you it doesn't know the response, except for the notice of the unavailability of data past 2021 ) That being said as other forum poster said, you can do a lot of things without knowing how to code. Testing mods, bug reporting, content writing, map making, etc. Even mod making doesn't really need programming knowledge in some cases, unless you consider XML programming.
  5. Dude I was beating Very Hard AI consistently and Elytra kicks my ass in medium difficulty. Good job! Edit: I actually managed to beat it but it actually required a way more focused play on my part, booming more effectively and pushing forward bases. While I previously played it more like a city builder game haha Generally speaking I usually get to build a couple of additional CC after Petra bot just falls apart and stops attacking after suffering a lot of strain to its ecnomy. Very happy with this improvement. It feels like a proper challenge at least to me.
  6. I really enjoy playing board games with my girlfriend, I was wondering if you recommend any other game from the same period. Preferrably ones that are not that hard to get (that are still being edited) I only know 7 wonders/ 7 wonders duel.
  7. I don't think it's an americanism. In spanish we also have "Señor", "Señora". Which is pretty much the same as Sir and Madam (as it was used to denote subservience in the past). Some older folk use "Don" o "Doña" which denoted higher ranks. AoE2 used "mande" for acknowledge which is more neutral But honestly that doesn't really matter, I think that we should listen to the people that have knowledge about the language and any suggestion would be welcome. So having said that. Which would be the words used to acknowledge the order of a superior in the chinese dialect used in han times?
  8. You know, cobra car like age of empires 2 or monster truck for aoe3 If not, what would 0ad cheat unit be? A trojan horse that fires missiles?
  9. It was then when Lucius Papirius Cursor realized his legions might not be the brightest of the bunch
  10. 0ad is an amazing game and it has become my current favorite RTS game, but one thing I still don't enjoy is capturing. There is something that feels wrong to me with the current system, it is way too confusing, it's also annoying for units to try to capture a building automatically. The animation (which I get is a placeholder) feels out of place and ruins the immersion. I know that it doesn't make sense for infantry to attack stone buildings with swords, but maybe some animation of the troops using makeshift rams with logs or blunt weaponry could make it more realistic. Changes to mechanics By default, buildings are not able to be captured. Unless they have certain % of HP diminished. IF that is the case, units can be ordered to capture the building by garrisoning. This could simulate the idea that maybe the walls and doors were damaged allowing invaders to enter through the breaches. Buildings could have a number of slots for capturing enemies, that is, for example a building can garrison 20 people, then 30 enemies could enter a building to capture it, turning the odds in favour of the invader (which already commited some troops and siege to breach the building) If there are no people garrisoned the building is captured immediately. If only women are garrisoned, the building is also captured immediately, the units inside would be kicked out. If there are people garrisoned, depending on how much each side has in the building either the attacking or defending army would start losing men. This could be a tricky thing since I don't know how damage to each side would be calculated, initially I thought the bigger numbers should win, but some people maybe wouldn't like elite soldiers to die to skirmishers for example. Some buildings such as houses and warehouses should be easily breachable. This could be an interesting change, because it would make capturing a more deliberate choice, with the attacker and defender choosing to put more troops in a building if it's important. This probably is a lot of work and maybe it has a lot of issues that I haven't thought about, but let me know what you guys think. or if it's even doable in the engine, or maybe it's just a stupid idea because of balance and all that. Or maybe it can be improved... you tell me haha.
  11. No surprises, we tend to be super cool people
  12. A lot of genres, argentinian rock, international metal. If I had to choose one though it would be progressive metal (Ayreon, Devin Townsend, Avantasia)
  13. From Argentina. Most specifically Entre Ríos
  14. I am playing a lot as of late and I realized a problem that I honestly don't know if perhaps is a mistake of mine when playing or of the game. I mostly play random maps, and "unknown" a lot. Generally speaking I struggle a lot to get lumber in the early stages of the game. And notice that woodlines tend to run out very quickly, and in some maps woodlines are not there at all, it's just straggler trees all the way. This leads to build a lot of storage buildings which also cost lumber, so sometimes is not worth to build them to just get 3 or 4 trees. Sometimes the woodlines are out of reach of my influence which in early game is a pain. I also found out that in the water maps, water is a bit useless. There are few fishing spots and they run out really quick, they are not worth contesting over nor microing fishing ships. This is particularly true in maps with lakes. Also Food is extremely easy to get in this game and it's not worth wasting wood (which is hard to come by) on fishing ships to get food (which is very easy to get). So my question is: is that something by design and maybe I am playing the game wrong? is maybe a problem with some map generators not being balanced? How do you guys handle lumber early game?
  15. That sounds great. I think at some point I will try to make a document that maps the voices and words used, so people who actually knows the languages better can contribute with terms to generate if there is interest. I added some "phoenician" to the repo, altough I realize that to have the civ fully voiced I need to make voices for gauls and iberians too lol. I based on terms suggested by chatgpt, I double checked some of them with that phoenician dict I found earlier and seem to be close (I guess). But definitely needs to be checked by someone who knows this stuff. Probably I wont be updating the repo for a while, I have quite some studying to do this weekend as I have some exams next week.
  16. some random banter board could be nice :). Altough they might be hard to moderate I kinda like lighthearted content and memes, it helps build communities (as long as they are kept civil)
  17. Even if we didn't like the art direction/style there are ways and ways to ask things to be changed. Specially for something that is offered for free, it's just called basic gratitude and decency. Also 0 AD is an open source game and easily moddable, OP could fix the scales himself. Even if no one likes his particular art direction he can do whatever he wants. I did that with some of the things.
  18. Is that something that has to be coded in the core of the game or could by extended by mods? also mods logic is coded in JS right? Thanks!!
  19. I was wondering if it would be possible to implement a "Random (no repeat)" option when selecting random civilizations. So every player has a different civilization. Or maybe there is a mod that does that?
  20. Not sure if I'm getting your point, but most people that I know that play 0 ad like the building aspect (recently I did a post on reddit and some people commented on that aspect, I have seen youtubers praise the city-building aspect). There are very few traditional RTSes (now there is a revival of AoE, but only the AoE franchise has grown) right now and if the game turned into CoH or yet another total war I think it would be very dissapointing for many people including myself. AoE2 doesn´t have building limits and while AI seldom will build forward barracks but is a valid strategy, also the "castle/tower to the face" strategy is widely used in MP in AoE2. AoE3 has building limits but the game still focuses heavily on gaining map control through placing buildings in strategic locations. I think that 0ad has some "issues" with buildings, but the main feature I don't like is how capturing works, and maybe reduce a bit the area of influence of new city centers ( I feel like they claim a huge space of the map)
  21. Yes I am aware of that, I just wanted to have something that isn't greek and it's at least closer to the region. Same for han (they probably didn't speak mandarin). As someone mentioned earlier, this mod is more like just placeholders until the game has proper dubs, to sound at least closer to the place these civilizations are from and not just speaking greek. As for Phoenician @Lion.Kanzen I have been reading about the topic and many people agree that phoenician is very similar to traditional hebrew, that dictionary that I found points to some words such as the one i mentioned for walking (halakh). I also read that for example Civ 6 uses neo-punic for the voice lines of Dido and it seems like the voice actress speaks hebrew.
  22. Well I kept investigating with chatgpt, it points to a diferent word sawal for walking, wich could be pronounced in Arabic which is also semitic. I honestly don't know enough about linguistics to see if ChatGPT is saying the truth or not, but I might try this same method with a bunch of words that we could use. We might end up with gibberish, but then again we might end up with something close to the actual language and it might be good enough. It concerns that it says the hypotetical word, so it might be just made up by the AI. EDIT: it is most likely just AI invention as it failed to produce any kind of source to back it up *sigh* EDIT 2: I found some resources for phoenician dictionaries (https://archive.org/details/richards.tombackacomparativesemiticlexiconzlib.org/page/n23/mode/2up) and it does point to hebrew words, so maybe it could be translated, the thing is finding the actual words in the dictionaries as they are not easy to read, at least without understanding of linguistics.
  23. I don't think I can from that site at least. Maybe it could be replaced by some modern counterpart like Hebrew (considering is a semitic language). I don't think that there is text to speech for ancient/dead languages I am asking chatgpt (yeah awful source) about common words and it says there might be a couple, but chatgpt tends to lie a lot. such as I will try to investigate more during the week and if I can get the software to pronounce some of these it might be useful. I was also thinking that maybe something can be done for gauls and such, taking into account some words from different celtic languages.
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