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Everything posted by LienRag

  1. Formations should have a very important role on morale, shouldn't they ? (going both way : units with low morale leaving formation - historically, mainly from the rear, that's one of the reasons to have multiple ranks - and units still in formation getting some morale bonus, the level of which depends on the formation)
  2. I believe (not an expert, but I read some vulgarization) that in most societies of this time, all male citizens (i.e., not slave) were supposed to be able to fight in a war if need be ? If there are societies where there were non-slave citizens without any fighting skill, definitely yes the game should represent that fact for their in-game civilization (and it may be an interesting differentiation point to have woodless citizens that do not suck at mining), but apart from that there's no point in creating yet another anachronism. Also, if it's possible to represent slavery in a strategically interesting and not totally icky way, that could indeed solve part of the problem as women would basically disappear from the workforce and as such from the game (save from female priests, traders and champions). But I'm not convinced by the ideas presented so far (and haven't tested Delenda Est)... Another option would be making women's tasks (like weaving and spinning) more prominent in the game (but of course only if there's a strategic impact, not for gaining woke points). I don't have many ideas on how to do that in a meaningful and interesting manner, though.
  3. Some animals should have 0 armor. Buffalo hides are thick. Elephant also, I guess some deers do also have quite thick skin. Also, loom should probably give women back their 1 armor. Armor level of women could be a civilization trait, too (with reasonable levels) : thick clothes do protect quite well.
  4. Is there a peertube instance or channel for 0ad ?
  5. Thanks, but then why killall -9 pyrogenesis brings "no process found" ?
  6. Hi all. I'm testing the Asteria mod on 0ad KenWood without problems for a few days, but on Friday it seemingly crashed after a woman was killed by enemy fire (I still have the mouse pointer but it has shapes not seen before for the game, and I can't click on anything). Problem is I can find no way to get out of the game fullscreen to access the other windows on my Debian Mate computer (on Bullseye). Alt - Tab isn't working, neither do Alt F4 nor Alt Shift L (to lock the Mate session). I can open a console with ctrl alt F1 and with htop I see that the RAM is quite busy but not saturated (11 Gb occupied on a total of 16, and around 1 Gb of swap used). What is surprising is that I don't find any process that I can relate to 0ad : what is the name of the processes that I should be searching for ? Trying to launch 0ad on another computer I find a process named pyrogenesis something something, so on the stuck computer I trie killall -9 pyrogenesis but I get "aucun processus trouvé" (no process found). I also tried killall -9 mate-session but to no avail either. Is there a way out of it ? (except shutting the computer down, as there is unsaved work on the other windows)
  7. Interesting mod, by the way... Especially since "discovering black powder" is not the same thing as "having the metallurgy to mass produce canons"...
  8. Historically, naval battles were a combination of ramming and boarding, with very limited role of on-board archers I believe ? Also a few catapults on Roman ships, and incendiary traits sometime used by some, and of course greek fire. But to have interesting tactics using such technologies, I guess that the game would need a different scale as it had been pointed out ? About the anti-infantry use of ships (that is overpowered as of now) : If the ships are made less efficient against infantry/buildings and cannot anymore by themselves interdict a land strait, they would need a specific togglable mode for their onboard infantry "disembark, destroy and re-embark" so that they could be put near a land strait (like Gibraltar in the Meditteranean map, where as of now putting two warships allow to kill all merchant convoys between north and south) and have the onboard infantry destroy any enemy coming near (unless of course the enemy is strong enough to defeat said infantry). Also, ships would need a slow healing effect, so that it's possible to use such tactics without micro-healing the troops.
  9. Since Debian is still on KenWood (the flatpak to the 0.25 doesnt work for me), is there a way to find KenWood's version for the mods I'd like to test ?
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