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Everything posted by real_tabasco_sauce

  1. Just curious, what are some reasons to vote against the ram speed/accel changes?
  2. no u are not. 0ad's system of counters is far better. The natural properties of units and the ways they are used give rise to appropriate counters. (ie more sophisticated than rock paper scissors) Also, AOE style counters will likely work poorly with citizen soldiers.
  3. yes, especially if you are worried about raids. I certainly don't think this is what makes Han considered strong by some.
  4. Oh, I was going to say the other way around lol. Mainly because the spartans have no limit on olympic champions and they already cost 2 pop.
  5. Wow that is some awesome art for those centurions! I agree, the centurions are famous and the system of reforms they were a part of made a huge difference to the roman military. I think in this case, it makes sense to be an upgrade for swordsmen that make it to rank 3. My thoughts are that you could allow a concurrent limit of 10 and make the upgrade fairly cheap and quick (25 food, 25 metal, 4 seconds maybe) and irreversible. The aura should be something like the Gaulish trumpeters, but a little stronger. Perhaps an aura of increased damage and speed? In this case, there may be some worry about overlap with the numerous hero bonuses affecting damage. In that case, maybe they should only affect infantry? There is key difference however compared to those spartan "olympic champions" that were proposed: those units were automatically upgraded to their promoted form upon receiving the appropriate XP. Also there was no limit as far as I remember.
  6. I agree. It’s a problem. But it’s “necessary” this alpha because of the Han farm upgrade issue. I don’t expect this to exist going forward. Id say a part of it is that better/more frequently active players are more interested in the balance changes/new content offered in the mod, whereas the majority of players are happy to play whatever they currently do and don't bother installing.
  7. it is, but it's a small difference IIRC. In the screenshot above, Xpert would get a marginally higher rate if there was one woman on each farm.
  8. could be something like this too: https://www.google.com/search?q=horse+tracks&sxsrf=ALiCzsZFMkP5jo5bSF_-DGOqvhWv7psoMg:1666546916807&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiq9OiH8_b6AhUUGDQIHXH1C7oQ_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1920&bih=929&dpr=1#imgrc=lVuQMHLhpHbS_M
  9. Ah yes thats better! I'm thinking the scouting one could be a bunch of horse tracks in some dirt, then the background could made greenish for trees. Definitely a more difficult one to make.
  10. yes, I have yet to see this function being used effectively. In theory, a large number of these could be used with CS, but you rarely get that far as pers, and when you do usually cav are better. By the way @wraitii, were you going to hold the vote on this thread? Im not sure how the tournament is progressing, but we are nearing November, so perhaps it would be best to start collecting votes on the merge requests soon. For those of you who want to vote, these are the current merge requests: https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests to see the details for each file, you can just click on a merge request, and select 'changes'
  11. nah some spears in the air is surely fine. I don't see the resemblance with Alexander at all lol. (maybe thats a good thing lol)
  12. scouting tactics (could also be called scouting parties) should maybe be an eye, or maybe a map with something on it. Im not quite sure. Here is an idea: some tracks (horse, footprints) in dirt.
  13. longer pikes (256x256) and (128x128) honestly 128 looks no worse to me: what do u think? Unfortunately, merging each pike onto the next blurred out some of them. However, it adds kind of a nice depth of field. I do like though that it shows the use of pikes (in a group).
  14. This doesn't look bad to me. I can't draw at all lol, I just take and edit images. That is my art hobby at least. If these upgrades are accepted, we will be needing a new nisean war horses upgrade, because I moved chamfron.png to the chamfron upgrade. I think with some changes to the your illustration, it could work for nisean war horses. I think the horse needs to be more tan colored tho. Might need some references.
  15. I figured I would put an update to the "unit_upgrades" branch here: https://gitlab.com/real_tabasco_sauce/0-a-d-community-mod-unit-specific-upgrades/-/tree/unit_upgrades/community-mod/simulation/data/technologies I have 2 icons to make out of 23. I also changed the names of some to be a little more historically plausible, also interesting. Also, now each level 2 upgrade required getting level 1 first. This makes gameplay and Ui better: btw, unit specific upgrades are almost complete with icons:
  16. well the nice thing is since they are (literally) unique techs, they do not necessarily have to be perfectly structured, as the upgrades I have been working on are. For instance, for the unit-specific techs, I am missing a level 2 for cavalry skirmisher, crossbow, and archer. I feel kind of obligated to make everything level 1 and 2, but at the same time I don't have ideas for these upgrades. Maybe for archers we could just migrate the archer accuracy from the forge? Also, @wowgetoffyourcellphone is there a generic "background.png" that I can use for "longer pikes"
  17. I see what you mean @Lion.Kanzen. @borg- is busy now, so I think one thing could be to continue some of the civ differentiation efforts. These will definitely involve some unique civ technologies. I just did cavalry heavy draw, which is very similar to heavy_draw for archers. The two hardest remain: scouting tactics and longer pikes.
  18. Thats literally what I am doing. This is a system of unit specific upgrades, researched in barracks/stable. They will also replace the current cavalry HP and cavalry speed upgrades (which were basically just blanket buffs to cavalry). There are about 20 technologies in the branch, only 3 more need icons.
  19. these are actually designed for the set of upgrades I already devised. Each civ gets about 4 to 8 of these depending on their unit availability and balance reasons. the first one is "handguard" which is for swordsmen, the last is "balanced javelins" notice that the arm is in (sort of) a throwing position, and that there is a grip on the balance point.
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