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Everything posted by real_tabasco_sauce

  1. I guess this is kind of an aside, but It is very weird behavior to maintain multiple accounts. I just don't understand the point, is it exciting? I can understand longtime players coming back with a funny name to prank people in the lobby, but maintaining and sharing smurf accounts, multiple lobby accounts and claiming to be different people is just plain weird.
  2. you could also set the body decay time to 0 so that tons of dead bodies don't need to be kept track of. I think this is in template_unit.xml, not sure what else you would have to change.
  3. Wow, I actually never realized this. Garrisoning turret points does not affect territory decay. That seems like a problem to me.
  4. Unfortunately, I failed to double the siege wall garrison space like I did with all the other walls. Some people will probably not like that inconsistency, and it means it will remain a chore to keep the walls from being captured. Fortunately the siege walls are fairly easy to destroy if I remember correctly.
  5. I think that was actually brought up by @wowgetoffyourcellphone. (to change all walls). Yeah I think it would be fine to grant siege walls the exception to territory decay. After all, they already have the exception of being built in enemy territory.
  6. if "buildings" are allowed a capture attack, siege towers could be the only unit capable of capturing walls. Let the garrisoned units modify the capture attack (by quantity), then units from the siege tower could garrison the wall once it is captured. Also, if I CC drop an enemy base, it would be good for their walls to become mine.
  7. Hi @Duileoga this looks like a great lineup, and I think it will make for a well-differentiated civ. Here I will add some thoughts on the lineup in terms of civ balance compared relative to current civs. This looks like a strong CS lineup, and it might be necessary to remove one of the ranged units (probably the archer). I don't understand the idea behind this concept. It should represent a generic Odrysian leader? What would be the role of this unit? Why on foot? I could imagine this being a centurion type unit, with a training limit. That being said it doesn't quite fit super well, as @Genava55 mentioned. I am not sure if I can see a champion skirmisher in that image, but if one of these was a champion skirmisher, that would be awesome. I think this would be a great civ to reintroduce this unit. Perhaps the hoplite should be replaced with heavy skirmisher following @Genava55's point that there were only mercenary hoplites. Does the fortified village have the template of the military colony? I think this would make sense. It would be awesome for these mercenaries to provide units not available as citizen-soldiers (swordsmen, axemen, and clubmen would be a super cool trio, but a mercenary archer would also fit here). I think a swordcav champion would be great for this civ, wielding a rhomphaia would look very cool. The archer chariot is fine from a gameplay perspective, as they would need a unit with range and mobility. Limited ram and ship selection makes sense for the civ. It seems a bit gruesome to train heroes from a mausoleum, no? Jokes aside, it might be good to sort out the unique buildings situation: Currently, the palace trains some champions, the mansion trains other champions, and the mausoleum trains (undead) heroes. How about the following as a solution: The palace trains heroes and any unique champions, like the commander unit (if it is included). This is similar to the gaul theatre building, where heroes and trumpeters are trained. The remaining champions are trained from the barracks/stable. The mansion is a special house available in p3 The mausoleum serves some symbolic role, perhaps providing a global aura, and/or some trickle. Overall, this is looking great! Really nice work!
  8. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4990 (gulf of bothnia gets berries in the berry spot, not deer) https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4992 (mainland QOL update, small gaps between cliffs and forests, options for team placement)
  9. I also just modified mainland to allow custom team placements just like frontier does.
  10. I also allowed a little space in between forests and hills in mainland, so that players do not get "walled in" by combinations of forests and hills. Are there any other easy to fix issues people have with some random maps?
  11. 46 }, 47 "Gaia": { 48 "tree1": "gaia/tree/fir_winter", 49 "tree2": "gaia/tree/fir_winter", 50 "tree3": "gaia/tree/temperate_winter", 51 "tree4": "gaia/tree/fir_winter", 52 "tree5": "gaia/tree/temperate_winter", 53 "fruitBush": "gaia/fauna_deer", 54 "chicken": "gaia/fauna_chicken", 55 "mainHuntableAnimal": "gaia/fauna_deer", 56 "secondaryHuntableAnimal": "gaia/fauna_deer", 57 "fish": "gaia/fish/generic", 58 "stoneLarge": "gaia/rock/polar_02", 59 "stoneSmall": "gaia/rock/alpine_small", 60 "metalLarge": "gaia/ore/polar_01", 61 "metalSmall": "gaia/ore/temperate_small" 62 }, I see that the berry spawns on gulf of bothnia frozen lake are instead deer. Was this intended? I guess it makes things seem more 'harsh' of an environment, but I would say this is holding back the multiplayer potential of the map. I'd rather it just be berries.
  12. I don't think a wonder victory would be without battles, and I would oppose changing it to the default victory condition. Fighting is the whole point of the game, but I suppose a "trade war" gamemode could be made were one culture has to dominate the map until the other is forced into submission/defeat. To be honest, this is no less morbid up than normal gameplay.
  13. yes, I think I should reduce HP some, as the armor is already 1 for all levels. Alternatively, I could leave their damage unchanged, as we don't want the dogs able to 2-hit women.
  14. Which ones are -20%? It was my intention to make them all -25%. Some slight rounding up vs down does make some just above or just below 25%, but there shouldn't be any with 20%. I didn't change the dog armor, should I reduce its HP some?
  15. update: reduced ele archer damage in accordance with other ranged units increased all buildings hack armor by 5 (40% less hack received, compared to melee units + 50% hack damage) siege units as well
  16. Eliminate sniping, no. We can’t do that since it is just the user controlling units. However, the rebalance should reduce its effectiveness so that it is likely less effective than other forms of micro. Note that this depends enormously on composition and upgrades. automatically sorting by resistance would be extremely lame as this is automating a part of the game that depends on player knowledge, experience, and skill. automating this puts way too much control into a “black box”. in an ideal balance context, the advantage gained from manual targeting will be very small anyway. The benefit of automating it would be obscure for most players, and for experienced players, it would just mean watching a mathematically determined battle outcome, hands free. In battles, I want some control over the outcome this is part of the excitement of 0ad. Instead of proposing automated workarounds, let’s actually address the root of the problem: https://gitlab.com/real_tabasco_sauce/0-a-d-community-mod-unit-specific-upgrades/-/compare/main...melee_buff?from_project_id=36954588&page=2&straight=false In other words, let opportunity cost be the reason to use micro other than sniping.
  17. I believe there was a "charge" at some point, but it was a bug XD. This might have been one of the a25 release candidates, I can't remember.
  18. Not sure if you mean "freeze" which would mean to keep the current meta and keep sniping. What I have been saying is to just fix the actual problem, so that sniping does not win every time. (maybe only for certain special situations). Here is my solution, it will debut in the community mod since it is such a large rebalance.
  19. Is it not obvious then to fix the actual problem, instead of making sniping automatic? It is common knowledge that having an appropriate skill gap is important for entertainment. Players want to learn and improve. This is how players enjoy games for years, not a couple of weeks. You brought up adding a completely inappropriate skill gap (singing) to explain why it is bad to have an appropriate skill gap (micro) in 0ad, which is comical. Notice I never said we should add more micro, just that we should caution ourselves on automating important parts of the game. If someone wants to automate a lot of the game on their own, I say they are welcome to, but this should be used in casual games, not super competitive ones.
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