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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. 4 hours ago, hyperion said:

    The git repo is striped of the prebuilt windows executables, you need to use svn repo instead of git for those. Everyone else probably wants git tho.

    Would it be possible to include prebuilt windows executables in the git repos (on GitHub and GitLab)? Thus, interested users could fork from there and test without the hassle of combining svn and git? Sorry if my assumption is completely nonsense. :blush:

  2. Well, I do not mind if the repo is at GitHub, GitLab, or elsewhere (I have accounts for all of them), but indeed some "bridge" between git and svn is nice. I will look into this - thanks for the good hint! :)TortoiseGit – Windows Shell Interface to Git

    EDIT1: There is TortoiseGit – Windows Shell Interface to Git, which has also support for svn, I understood.

    EDIT2: Support for Subversion clients - GitHub Docs


    BTW, are these guides linked from anywhere else in the wiki? TortoiseSVN_Guide – Wildfire Games 

    They were last modified 8 years ago, and several images are broken. So I don't know if they are meant to be read by people in this forum these days. ;)

  3. BTW, the reason why I prefer git over svn is simple: With GitHub, I can fork the 0 A.D. upstream master, do my own changes in my fork and play directly from there. When I use svn instead, I have no possibility to use my own changes other than by manually adjusting files but locally. If there is a way to do something via svn like via git (i.e. creating forks and playing from there), I am not aware of it, but I am happy to learn. :)

  4. Yes, I am familiar with git. Is it possible to "mix" git and svn? I.e., can I git clone everything else and fetch via svn the prebuilt Windows executables? I have clue about svn (well, I forgot everything about it after more than a year of not using it).



    From where should I fetch the svn files? From there? http://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk

    I am going to follow these helpful hints: 


  5. Sorry, guys, I give up building this myself. The information in the wiki is not helpful for me (sorry to say so), because it lacks essential details like what exactly is needed to install in VS 2017. I spent quite a lot of time (already about a year ago) but cannot make progress. While I would love to build 0 A.D. for Windows myself and thus be able to tweak things and thus maybe be able to contribute more, I lack the time to set everything up to get this done. I understand that most (all) of us have their real lives and time to spend away from 0 A.D., so I understand that it is not possible to provide me with a "here-you-go" and "ready-to-use" instructions set about Visual Studio. But as I have not enough time myself to get all the puzzle pieces together, I quit it. Of course, I will be happy to provide feedback on other things where I do not need to build myself.

    Wishing everybody a peaceful weekend! :)

  6. Hello!

    Are the BuildInstructions – Wildfire Games still up to date and applicable to Windows 11, too? Specifically, do we still need the XP toolset and the 2017 compiler (version 15.0) instead of VS 2019 with latest compiler?

    I still have a PC with Endeavour OS but would prefer to build and test on Windows 11 (64bit) on my laptop. I understand that I must build for 32bit that will run under 64bit, too.

    Thank you for your confirmation! :)

  7. My ..\AppData\Roaming\0ad\config\user.cfg does not contain any key bindings but only this:

    antialiasing = "fxaa"
    fog = "false"
    gui.gamesetup.aibehavior = "balanced"
    gui.gamesetup.aidifficulty = "2"
    gui.gamesetup.assignplayers = "disabled"
    gui.scale = "1"
    gui.session.ceasefirecounter = "true"
    gui.session.notifications.phase = "all"
    gui.session.respoptooltipsort = "1"
    gui.session.timeelapsedcounter = "true"
    gui.splashscreen.enable = "false"
    gui.splashscreen.version = "<some-numerics-here>"
    lobby.columns.gamerating = "true"
    locale = "en_US"
    mod.enabledmods = "mod public"
    modio.disclaimer = "<some-alphanumerics-here>"
    overlay.fps = "true"
    overlay.realtime = "true"
    playername.multiplayer = ""
    playername.singleplayer = "Ceres"
    sharpening = "cas"
    showdetailedtooltips = "true"
    silhouettes = "true"
    userreport.enabledversion = "0"
    userreport.id = "<some-alphanumerics-here>"
    userreport.terms = "0"
    vsync = "true"

    If user.cfg should contain key bindings but mine does not, then there is definitely something wrong with my setup.

  8. Is some heading needed, e.g. [key bindings] or similar in that file? Sorry for my many questions and thanks for your patience! :)




    For other users' and my own reference (might be useful in this context):

    HotKeys – Wildfire Games

    0ad/keys.txt at master · 0ad/0ad (github.com)


    hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw = "Ctrl+RightArrow", "E"		; Rotate camera anticlockwise around terrain
    hotkey.camera.rotate.cw = "Ctrl+LeftArrow", "Q"			; Rotate camera clockwise around terrain

    And from 0ad/intro.txt at master · 0ad/0ad (github.com):

    hotkey.camera.rotate.up – Rotate camera to look upward
    hotkey.camera.rotate.down – Rotate camera to look downward
    hotkey.camera.rotate.cw – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain
    hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain
    hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain
    hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain


  9. I have not mapped this combination for anything else. Furthermore, I find it odd that when filtering for "wheel", the setting shown in my initial post does not appear in the list:


    When I filter for "rotate", it shows up (this time with the [Alt] instead of the [Ctrl] combination, but it does not work either):


    In my case it seems as if the setting appears in that window but does not really catch (that is my understanding; maybe I am wrong).

  10. Hello!

    I wonder whether it's feasible and helpful to provide a way to open relevant folders/files (e.g. configs) from within the game (menu, dev menu [Alt+D], or console)? Thus, looking up the needed information in the Wiki, FAQ, or forum would not be needed anymore. As paths might change in the future, the (outdated) information would not have to be updated manually in the Wiki, FAQ, or forum (could then be deleted) but would always be up to date in the game.

    These are the paths/files I have on my mind (I am on Windows 11, i.e. the paths shown below look different on another OS):


    ..\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\
    ..\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\config\



    Maybe some in-game explanatory text about which config files overrule others (see this post as reference) could be added, too? See following quotes FYI:

    On 21/09/2021 at 1:52 PM, Stan` said:

    In general you should use user.cfg


    As you can see, user.cfg is loaded after local.cfg overwriting all the changes.

    On 21/09/2021 at 2:01 PM, hyperion said:

    user.cfg is a generated file, based on default.cfg and overrides in local.cfg and later in-game changes of those properties. You may edit user.cfg but honestly backing up or deleting for a reset are the only actions I'd take on it.

    To sum it up (hopefully correctly), the order of overrules is as follows:

    1. default.cfg
    2. local.cfg
    3. in-game changes

         => user.cfg


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)

    • Like 1
  11. Hello!

    Is this a bug at all or some other problem (e.g. myself ;))? I set this up:


    But when I hold the [Ctrl] key and rotate the mouse wheel, nothing happens. When I hold the [Ctrl] key and push the arrow keys or [W], the map gets rotated up/down. I.e., the function itself works but the mapping does not seem to. Other mouse wheel mappings work, though, and there is no conflict mentioned.

    BTW, maybe instead of calling it "Rotate up/down", it should be rather called "Tilted up/down"? As I am not a native English speaker I might be wrong, but this is not my major concern anyway.

    Thanks for your help! 


  12. @wowgetoffyourcellphone

    Would you mind keeping the abbreviations A/N/E and explain them by tooltip instead of spelling them out?

    Besides, I like how it currently works with the tributes, i.e. we can send something by just a click (or shift+click) instead of the need to first click on a [+] and then on the [Apply] button. Do we need a [-] button at all?



    What exactly did you mean by "aesthetically I do not recommend it"? The layout, the size, the colors, something else?

  13. 8 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    It is always good to investigate what exists in other games of the same nature.

    For now what would come in handy is to minimize the window.

    How could we minimize this window, which seems to be even larger now?

    5 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Just add the spy and attack request features and we're good to go.

    Or is this of the same dimensions/size as the current one?

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