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Player of 0AD

Balancing Advisors
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Posts posted by Player of 0AD

    1. Tag @user1
    2. Please state your lobby username and the lobby username of the offending player.

    my name: weirdJokes

    username of offending player: Gladiator_7050

    He just quit without resigning.
    However, in that case i'm not 100% sure. The message was not "Host quit game" but something like "unknown reason: server error". Though, it was not possible at all to continue the match, which I would have wished.


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    1. Tag @user1
    2. Please state your lobby username and the lobby username of the offending player.

    my name: weirdJokes

    username of offending player: tato98c

    He just quit in a lost situation.

    What's the point of not counting matches where the opponent has left - since more than x minutes  - as won? On the chess website Lichess it goes like this, it's essential rule on the site. Shouldn't it also be applied here?


    • Thanks 2
    1. Tag @user1
    2. Please state your lobby username and the lobby username of the offending player.

    my name: weirdJokes

    username of offending player: Titiboi92

    He just quit in a very bad and unpleasant game situation.


    Edit: I just searched the forum here and this is already the 3rd time that somebody reported that guy for that behavior.



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