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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. @CodeOp

    Well is far more than what i can reach with my tiny array of unix knowledge...

    ...for istance: what is runmode 2 (and runmode 1, if it exists)?


  2. Macintosh?

    *makes sign of protection*

    Before, I merely pitied you. Now, I'm forced to question your sanity...


    Why so?

    Maybe you're thinking of that old "Classic" environment. The OS X is darwin cored, directly from BSD Unix, i don't see why should i be more insane than any other Linux user...

    ...like you...



  3. Well, even if i haven't solved my personal idiosyncrasies, at least i got conscient of them, and now i'm almost able to foresee when a bad mood is going to override me and take some countermeasures by time. This has made my everyday life much better: when i can do something about it i do it, if this is out of my reach, i put a big stone over and forget about it.

    I think the reason why i'm happy with it is almost self-explanatory, but i would like to add that my days are less stressing now...


  4. they do not live in contact with the prisoners, they are not requested to attend (and take part) to interrogatories, and most of all they do not live in a prisonlike environment.

    That's a very good point that hadn't crossed my mind. Yet another proof that these few soldier's actions don't reflect the entire coalition forces, such as it is being protrayed by the truthful media.

    Well, actually, if you read carefully my post, i was saying almost the contrary.

    If it's the environment that makes more likely those tortures to be seen as a "normal" method to deal with prisoners, then it is very likely that more than those few soldiers took part in those torture sessions (btw, how many are under inquiry: 6, 7?).

    Those torture sessions took place apparently in the hall of one (or more) wing of the prison. It is mostly unlikely that higer officers didn't knew what was going on. If they were consensual or not it doesn't matter much: their duty was to stop this and punish the perpetrators. Nothing took place as long as some soldier with more ethical sense than the others took some pictures and handled them over to the outside to denounce the case. Is this our way of dealing with justice? Is this the method we are so proud of and that we would like to give to the Iraqis?

    Imho, such cases should have been stopped from the beginnings and responsibles persecuted. It seems that those practices were tolerated, if not encouraged, and that the Military Justice waked up only on "delation" (one of the rare cases in wich delators rise to the rank of ethic champions). If we wanted Iraqis to hate us (in the sense of the coalition forces) this is the best effort put in action from the beginning of the war.

    As a sidenote.

    Iirc, someone said that those were not real tortures, because they were "mocked", and only few were actually beaten or mistreated by other means. I urge us to consider how we should feel in such a situation: naked, or with female intim induments over rour head, in front of other women, obliged to mock sexual acts. Torture is not only a material thing, because, a part from pain and fear for our body, there is a more intimate damage: humilitation, being treated as a beast and seeing our humanity degraded and humiliated. This is far worse than some cigarettes burns or some beating: soul ingiuries are far worse and far more difficult to heal.

  5. (i agree about the killings and house distructions, but rapes?).

    Yes- although, I don't think any online sources depicting rapes would be good on here.

    P.S. I have seen alot of photos of Israeli Soldiers posing over the the body(ies) of a civilian or two they "accidently" killed.

    If there are the photos, then there should be some written source on newspapers, imho: cross-checking is crucial.... :)

  6. Blast it. Another one spoiled by Windows. :lol:

    No, no, you're offending me; i'm a proud MacOS X user (with some experiences with the terminal environment).

    I just wanted to see if i could get some interesting discussions so to better my terminal management...


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