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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. I read the books some 20 times before the movies (but not before Bakshi's one: i was too young) and read all Tolkien stuff (exept HoME) quite before.

    The thing that left me totally disappointed was the RotK film: nothing more far from the original idea. I had no problems with Arwen having a major part in the first film, but i was bored to death by the repeating of her ridiculous crying role in TTT and RotK. It seems that after the first film the only thing she was capable of was sighing here and there and watching us behind a veil of tears, bah. I didn't like the corruption of the original Faramir and Denethor carachters either: they were stripped of their nobility almost totally. Denethor in particular didn't deserve such a harsh depiction: a little scared and arrogant despot even incapable of sending the black arrow/lighting the beacons to save his city, bah...

    ...the worst thing is that i feel that these fallacies canot be redeemed by an EE version: the twharts are too deep to be fixed, imho.


    Ok, let's stop ranting now.


  2. OK, thank you very much for your reply, Adam.

    Hmm, I figured more people would like to post in their native languages, for a change. And doesn't anybody create their own languages anymore? :P

    Like so?

    Penso che, linguisticamente parlando, non tutti riescano a seguire un discorso troppo complicato... ;)

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