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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. Basically the magna charta was a pact involvig the King and his nobles (other people were not intended to be influenced by this document).

    The nobles wanted the king to accept their indipendence (it was a period hen the english cown was weak and relied much on counts nd other nobles to raise the army, collect the taxes and control the land). In fact, after this document being signed, many times happened that the struggle between the king and the other nobles revamped fiercely, depending ho and when one side was stronger than the other...

  2. Basically, if you want some details, the Anglo-Saxons came from the north of England were they had just defeated a Viking invasion.

    Harold, the AS king, didn't stop to wait for all, because he feared that the normans would conquer too much land before he could stop them. And he knew that by fighting near their landing site, he would have put them with backs against the wall.

    Anyway, even if the AS were weary from the two day march, they were able to occupy a ridge and there they put all men (all on foot) in a "shield wall" formation wich withstanded all cavalry attacks made by the Normans. When a norman wing seemed to crumble and flee the battlefield (it is not clear wether because they had enough or because they put up a stratagem) AS infantry were lured out their standing position, broke the lines to pursue the fleeing enemy, and were put to piecemeal by the following norman cavalry charge. The battle did not end before late evening because a resolute group of AS Thengs (or Thanes) resisted till late, and well after Harold was killed.

    After this battle the only thing Normans had to do was conquering the whole country, without little more than some scarmuches...

    Enough details?


  3. Well, as Klaas said before (roughly), gullybility is born out of ignorance, not from genes. Sometimes ignorance is a choice people do not to be bothered too much from the outside world, sometimes it is enforced by the media itself. There is no special gullybility in the american people, it is the same you can find in Italy, Russia, Iraq, Israel: everywhere. If people canot or want not to see what's in front of them, it is always a matter of social conditions, not a "cultural" one...


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