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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. The only way to defeat such parties is to engage a harsh debate about their political ideologies behind those slogans, imho. At that point you can know if they are true racists or simply extreme conservative "localists". Even better you could trigger an internal division between moderate and radical ones. Trialing them before this debate ever took place is not just.

    As for the law, i think that after it there is still persons who decide if and how apply it.

  2. Hmm, fanatism usually takes good nurture in poor, ignorant and oppressed societies (just thinking of our "western" forefathers, from X to XVII cent. at least). Fanatism is, imho, the best leverage those criminal elites have to raise up a nice "mass of manouver", at their disposal to pursue their goals. Hit those elites, give the masses a decent life, and you'll have beheaded the monster.

    A part from this i agree with you...


  3. I believe the foreign policy of the US is only a small part of the motivations of for example Al Quaeda. The fundamental problem imo is fanatism and violence, and those two things will always exist for any reason.

    Well, i have to partially disagree on this, Klaas.

    Western (not necessarily US) politics are the first cause of what is happening in the Islamic world in general and in the Middle East in particular, for the simple reason that we harshly colonized them, imported our way of life (wich was accepted and reached by the richest elites, but never reached the poorer classes) and our political ideologies, with little regard for local cultures (as usual).

    What did we got from this?

    The product we exported best there is nationalism, since we "needed" to digregate the Ottoman empire (and other political realities), at that time we thought that those peoples "freed" from their oppressors would have embraced our lifestyle and "superior" culture, thus becoming our loyal minor "brothers" ("cousins", fits better, imho). In part this was true: islamic political and economical elites behaved in this way for the major part as long as the decolonization began. After that this has been less true as long as time passed, but we continued to act as usual, paying little what we wanted and taking by force what those people did not want to give away. The problem is that those people learnt western nationalism quite well, and adapted it to their cultural feelings and needs, thus starting a nice islamic nationalist movement wich sees it's descendants (even if not all of them) in the radical islamic movements and terrorist organizations.

    Just an example: why do you think that President M. Gheddafi behaved as he did if not for western (american, for the major part) intervention in Lybian internal politics? Just to say something more: the Washington Post stated years ago that in the US had been established some training camps for islamic "friends", whose purpose was to give a hand to overthrow Gheddafi. The problem is that those well trained (and financed) terrorists acted openly against american interests once they were dumped by their former godfathers: "chicken running home to rest"...

    Hoping this will light up that as long as we don't want to take care of our business and stay out of those of others, problems will always arise...


  4. Hey guys, a member of TLA staff needs a freeware editor of xcel files.

    I thought he could download the OpenOffice suite, wich is free, but i'm not sure if this handles Microsoft file formats. Anyone here has a clue wether OpenOffice can handle them, edit them, and (most important) save them in .xls format?

    Thanks guys :lol:


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