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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. What we call "ethnic cleansing" or forced emmigration, has happened for millennia, all over the globe (and yes, in Europe). Many Germans were pushed out of Prussian lands after WWI and WWII. Where's our sympathy for those families? lol The Huns did it to the Germanians in 400 AD, who then did it to the Celts and Romans. The Ameicans did it to the Amerindians. The Spanish did it to the Aztecs and Mesoamerican cultures... on and on and on... point is, such forced emmigration has led us to where we are today, for good or ill.

    So we shall continue with them?

    The fact that in the past those things happened is very clear, the problem is that sensibility towards such things has much changed ever since.

    Ppl are less willing to tollerate such crimes as time passes, we should understand this. What has happened can't be changed, but we can change what is going to be...


    You explained perfectly what you meant, and i think you're right when you say it's difficult to have mutual integration. The problem with us is our heritage of nationalism (that we passed on abundantly to all colonized nations on Earth and to Arabs as well) that tends to hinder us in our contacts with others.

    We have to stop with this kind of fear of loosing identity.

    Identity is the result of a sum of influences, it's ever changing as time passes: this cannot be stopped, it can only be steered roughly where we want.

    It's better we understand this, before going any further with our democratization and globalization politics.

    Culture mixing is inevitable, so i choose to act in it willingly and to make clear to others that this means no harm to their cultural identity. Because the wonderful thing with identity is that you cannot loose anything, you always add more meanings, heritages, cultures and influences. In the end you cannot be anything but richer than before.

    I think that is possible (and desiderable) to overcome this resistance to cultural interbreeding, since it is a cultural aspect of the matter itself and not a genetic factor of the sketch.

  2. True, but those cows also need to eat something :D

    The fact is that they are far more efficient to use all the molecules contained in grasses they eat (it's because they have a simbiontic bacteria in their rumen), the same cannot be said about us. :D

    Moreover, it's widely accepted that biological diversity is viable and needed for a healthy environment, hence turning all the avaible land into corn fields would end in an ecological disaster...

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