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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. The point is, did this person risk death sentece at the time he was requested from Italy?

    If yes, the answer is that we have laws that prohibit extradiction if there is the risk of a death sentence, if not, then it's our fault, and much shame to our republic...

  2. Klaas, please, tell me more about this Cools matter.

    Above all: do you still have death penalty?

    If so, i can say you that we have a law that prohibits extradation if the culprit risks to be killed as outcome of his trial, if not i need more elements to give you an answer (and i'm willing to...)



  3. You mean for example the attack in Bologna in 1980 Matteo?

    That one, the "Italicus" (a rail convoy) bombing, the fact that we do not know clearly who shooted down the Itavia civil DC 8 in Ustica's sky (we suspect it was a US fighter trying to shoot down a libian plane).

    There are also many more attaks that were brought on by neofascist terrorists who were not part of those organizations, but were armed by them.

    This is for the past.

    Nowadays we have many Us military on the national territory who are granted a total immunity from any kind of illegal action or crime.

    Do you want an example?

    In 1997 a Us airplane based in Aviano airbase, cut the cable of Cermis cableway: 80 people died.

    At first it seemed a disgrace, then it came out the two G.I.s were making some acrobatics (they had a camera with wich they recorded their bold and "cool" loopings and tonneaux) to have something to tell when back home...

    ...they were extradated to the USA where they had been discharged from all the accuses. 80 deaths, no responsible for them... ..this is something a bit arrogant from a democratic nation as the USA...

  4. They supported many democratic "regimes" also. Italy is a brilliant example. We had a good democracy here. But large black spots aren't absent. We had an organization (US backed) that was called "stay behind" whose purpose was to organize sabotage acts in the case of a soviet invasion. No problem with this, but it turned out that this organization had some roles in the terroristic acts of the 70's and 80's that hit Italy from the Alps to the southernmost cape, in a period while the left wing area was expected to win the political elections...

    ...we still wait to know who were the perpetrators (and the committments) of some of those acts, maybe because there is still a high degree of interference with the enquires by the remnants of those organizations... ...we were "free" to remain on the political track chosen for us abroad...

  5. Isreal is not committing genocide.

    Whoa, I don't know if that's true... I think you'd have a very different opinion if you were a Palestinian :P

    After all the Israelies are not fighting against a country called Palestine, but rather a group of people called palestinians... It's not a country they wish to control, but a group of people.

    Genocide= utterly destruction of a population (on a genetic or ethinc basis).

    Israel is not committing genocide. This not discharges Israely government from the accuse that it is making all things that has to be done to make palestinian life possible, or to improve the peace process.

    The only thing that really upsets me is that Sharon has almost the 60% of population favour for his politics (or at least this is what i read on Italian newspapers: i could not find a confirmation for this on Haaretz site..). This worries me that the situation cannot be stopped in it's run towards chaos...

  6. Guys all those greetings really made me content.

    Sorry not to have replied earlier but i was away from any kind of internet connection till now. I had three awful working days in a row (but a great birthday and a even greater wedding anniversary on the 24th!).

    So, i'm back again, and thnks a lot again...


  7. Ppl, just one sidenote: Yassin was found guilty and imprisoned (life time imprisonement) by an Israelian Court. He was then released on a prisoner's exchange some years ago, maybe Israel should think twice before releasing such individuals.

    My thoughts about the matter: no kill is justified here. Not Yassin one, nor the suicide bombers victims. My problem is that Israel is supposed to be the democracy, the good ones, the state who brought a real parlamentar democracy in the area and that could act as a stabilization factor in ME. Since is clear that matters are not going in this way, something must have gone wrong.

    Too many things have gone wrong. Someone could think that there is no way back. I agree: you cannot force history backward: you must go on. The point is: to wich future are ME inhabitants directed to?

    If the current Palestinians majoritarian politics prevail there will be no Israel at all (all that Hamas wants is the elimination of Israel: this is not acceptable), moreover Palestinians will continue to be at the disposal of their corrupted political elites.

    It the current Israely government politics prevail, there will be no peace for Israel and the bombing will not cease. Moreover (and this is why Israel has much to loose from this kind of situation) there is a real risk that the democratic society of Israel won't bear the wearing of such a situation, turning out less and less democratic as the years pass. Palestinians, on the other sides will continue to suffer from an unbearable (and inhumane) living condition.

    Can this be brought on forever? I'm pessimistic: it is possible, but the costs will be unacceptable for Israel, the Palestinians, and the rest of the world alike. We should think about this deeply and convince ourselves that some has to be done to stop this madness.

    Shalom aleihem.

    Salam aleikum.

    Peace to all you, friends.


  8. Moving on; essays! Am I the only one who absolutely hates essays? I know I'm not, but it seems so to me :D Anyways, I think essays as a way of testing knowledge doesn't really work, since different writing styles always have an impact. I know since my sister writes in a style so different from mine it's almost unbelievable we're related, and it makes an impact. On the other hand, combining tests and essays into 1 page answers to relatively broad questions seems good to me.

    It forces the student to know the subject well enough to discuss it, doesn't give hints in the same way as a normal question would, and I think you get away from the issues of writing styles as much as possible (you'll know that better than me matteo, being a teacher and all :D).

    Well, i'm not a Teacher, i'm a librarian.

    I was talking starting from my experiences so far.

    I don't think that writing style should be an issue against essays: after all even in real life you have to deal with personal speaking styles. Hence writing essays (and getting a vote on style too) should test your ability to communicate complex themes as well. Not that i'm against short to medium written answers, but i think that some essays should be included. Go figure that in Italy some categories are well known to be totally incapable to write (of course this is a generalization, but i assure you that many engenieers cannot rite in proper Italian), mainly because they were not expected to write but only to caluculate structures (at least the "High ups" at the University, and partly at the high school, began toi think so...).

    For the same reasons, who studied litterary subjects (both at the High School and naturally at the University) aren't almost capable to performe siple math exercises...

    Writing, reading and counting are the basics: bricks, cement and tiles. Without them you cannot go anywhere. You can do without physics, chemistry, history, litterature (for a period at least), but without WRC you'll never be able to catch up with any of them.


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