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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. Basicaly i was so hooked by other things (girls, guitar playing, hockey...) that i did not realize i only did the minimum to get through my classes and i thought that every subject was worth. Thus, even if i knew i liked history, i failed to understand that thos was my real interest. This led me to choose biology at the University, after three years i quitted and switched to history, where i'm still bogged down (not easy to study, have a family and work, anyway) :D

    So let me give you this counseil to you: stick to what interests you as much as you can... :D

  2. Lol@Matteo :D

    oh and @ Curur too :D

    Yeah that's pretty interesting where all that fascism is coming from. The funny thing is that Musolini used to be a real pacifist and socialist, Hitler a painter, or Stalin even studied to become a priest but became a bank robber and eventually ended up in the bolshevic party :D

    Klaas, this seems too trivial to come out from you... :D

    Mussolini was not a pacifist: he was a socialist, but opted for the revolutionary socialists as soon as the war was felt in the air (beginning of 1911: italian intervention in Lybia, Balkan wars). Their "reasoning" was that the war would have outlined the capitalist world contraddictions and would have forged a new worker class, more willing to overthrow their masters and start the revolution. On one point he was right: after the war many men overthrew their governments, but they weren't coming from the "working class", but from the middle one, and the revolution was not a socialist one, but an authoritarian (soon to be called fascist) one...


  3. I dont have to put words in your mouth, but that is the basis of your dislike of her and what she was doing.  :D

    Well, maybe we should calm down: take in account Jeru lives in a country under constat threat of terroristic attacks (please note i'm not blaming anyone but terrorists here, nor do i want to star a flame war on who is wrong or who is right: it's matter of HoI, and it is so explosive we needed some [civilian] artificers... :D).

    I understand that he feels unconfortable when some issues are talked about...

    ...and in any case he did not say that she was a terrorist, nor this could be understood from his words (but i do not agree with his opinion, in any case...).


  4. Well, i do not think that multiple answer tests are the best tool to raise students knowledge, nor it is sheer interest.

    Tests are commonly known to be easy to pass once you know the drill (there is a bunch of books that teach you to pass them (or to get a good score, if you studied a bit) without any regard to the subject involved.

    Interest in the subject is good, but you cannot be interested in everything (ugh, this is not true: i've been interested in almost every subject i met in my school/university life, xcept physical chemistry, perhaps). Usually people tend to feel more hooked by a subject or two, and they frequently hate someones...

    ...the only way out, in this cases, is sweat my friends, no escape from this (with good note-taking :D). And the best way to deeply test knowledge are oral tests and written essays (without any form of help). This implies a greaqt amount of work for the examinators too, but, hey! They are supposed to be payed for that!


  5. She was (prolly) deliberately overridden by a IDF buldozer (dunno if it was military, but it was a military operation, anyway), while she was trying to stop it demolishing a house in Palestinian territory.

    Three days ago i read some verses from her. Dudes, i was really upset :-(

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