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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. I voted no, because there is a bunch of well researched WWII games out there: the whole "Close Combat" series is terrific. And it has nice graphics that still withstand the natural "wearing of time".

    And there are also many more turn based games worth of palying.

    Maybe a Mod Pack should be better...

  2. It might be better to ask concrete questions. ;)

    Concrete questions? Let's call this thread: "Questions from the bunker". :)

    Jokes apart.

    WWII can be a so huge field of debating that a few more precise questions should be in order.

    My knowledge of the matter is somewhat good: i like essays and books about that period, and i own a decent selection of titles on that. I must confess that the pacific theater of operations is the sector i know less, since i focused more on evenements taking place in Europe.

    As for now, i'm trying to get through the "History of WWII" from Winston Curchill.

    Man, is huge! Even if interesting... :self-bash:


  3. @Adam

    Imho: there is no contraddiction for terrorists to strengthen a government like those of Aznar or Bush with their agenda.

    Every time such a terroristic act is put in action, people from the hit countries think that they need a "stronger" government, someone who is strong and willing to "show them".

    The immediate result (as we had seen) are wars like those in Afghanistan and Iraq, wich raised arab's support for extremistic movementes (terrorists included). The terroristic organizations have hence gained a great advantage with little effort.

    The fact that Spain has been hit just before the elections is a precise sign of this kind of strategy.

    As for the fact that the arabs are retailiating for their lost preminence, i do not agree. I suggest to read "Orientalism" by Edward Said: it explains very clearly that W countries acted as colonial powers in the middle east (and farther) lighting the fuse of Arab explosive nationalism. We have a debt with them and they (rightly) feel that we have no intention to pay it (in the mean time we are exploiting their resources with a little help from local elites).


    I agree: despair, poverty and social injustices are the best nurture for terrorism: W countries should take note of this and send substantial support to solve this problems rather than troops. I also think that if we stopped export weapons, things should easen a little bit.

    @SUD and Sukkit: are there any news about the perpetrators?

    I'm curious, because you keep on saying it was the ETA, even if they didn't claimed the act (even if they could have got some gains, as i tried to say above).

    Once again my grief and empathy for your people.


  4. It's intended to be a place where everyone can describe his method at taking down notes. Maybe we can get some profitable hint from other's ways of studying.

    For istance: i take very "graphical" notes, in the sense that i divide concepts with grafical signs and with actual spatial separation (like square boxes linked by arrows and so on). Moreover i use to number the pages (otherwise i would soon find myself in big troubles).

    As for summarizing books i have to study, i use the same method, but with a particular timing.

    First i read a chapter, then i try to list the most important concepts by mind. Then i check the outcome and, if i'm not satisfied with it, i add the things that were left out and then i copy it all on a new sheet.

    After that i must say that i almost don't go back to the book: i rely mainly on my notes.

    And now it'syour turn.



  5. On the other hand, I guess other people see the "western" way of living as a direct threat or atleast not as a good way of living, and can from their point of view easily justify their actions.

    I think it was not for our way of living that we were put under fire.

    I fear that 911 attacks had much more to do with western countries foreign politics, than a generic hate for uor way of living.


  6. I had been two times in Spain, and i always felt that they're warm and welcoming people. This terrorist attack has upset me deeply.

    Apart this, here are my hasty thoughts.

    Michael, as you stated there's much difference.

    Terrorism wants only to spread terror by killing innocents. Terrorists usually pretend to believe that doing so everyone will became aware of their "struggle", while they know very well that spreading of terror usually gets the opposite: people get angry and act against them in a non rational way. What they want is simply chaos, to assure themselves the underwoods where to continue building their schemes.

    Freedom fighters do not target innocent civilians, in peace times they do not involve civilians at all. This is my humble opinion.

    Killing your political opponent is never an option, it's a crime. Killing some innocents to attire attention is possibly even worse.

    Worst of all, theese terroristic attacks were arranged for a quite political reason: influence the forthcoming elections in Spain. I suspect that this will favour Aznar's "Popiulars" or even more conservative factions, but maybe we could get some clues by Sukkit...


  7. A civil right, for sure.

    But, please, i also think that every religion should be granted to have the right to have his particular marriage cerimony, with his rules dictated by their faith.

    Basically, i believe that if you have civil and religious unions made indipendent, no one gets hurt: the religious one can have his religious marriage and the civil union for legal stuff, the non believer can stick to the civil union (regardless of the gender combination).


  8. As it happens frequently (:)) i agree with Klaas, as for who should be tolerated on internet and so on: neonazis, in particular, have been able to grow and spread in the world greatly thanks to their ability to use internet. But i think that, talking about what a child can read or see (or hear), parents should be more aware of what it's chil is doing in front of te PC (so i agree with Sukkit and EKen, also).


  9. I always thought that the Men of Gondor armour should have been the right suit for the Men of the Last Alliance, and vice-versa.

    It seems obvious to me, since when elendil and Isildur came to ME, they were the still powerful refugees from Numenor, while when the siege of Minas Thirith began, Gondorians had lost much of that power, so they should have more difficulties to equip their army in that way (a part from the Citadel Guard and From the Capitains and Knights of Dol-Amroth.

    And yes: i agree with you when you say that in the movies Gondorians seem a bit inept at fighting...


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