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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. @Klaas and Curu: :) sure we're getting to have similar points of view! B)

    @Curu: you say that constitutions need to get amended. I agree, but there is a "but".

    In Italy we had one of the most advanced consitutions (with some faults, but nothing that could not be fixed). Via the referendum mean, some politicians completely subverted it's sense. They forced the majoritarian system, then, when it didn't proove stable enough, they introduced the "majority prize": who got the most votes (not necessarily 50%+1) got a substantial number of seats in parliament for free (almost 15-20%). This led to blinded governs(like the one we have now), with little chance for the oppositions to hinder the "revolution from inside" those buccaneers are bringing on. Even more, parties with different opinions from the big part of the opposition are obviously much less effective (having fewer seats).

    So, not every amendment is good, my point is: wich one we should start with?

    @Klaas, about the media coverage. I think that every party should have the exact public media coverage than the others, otherwise, parties on behalf of the govern could arrange things to even do not let theyr adversaries to show up on the video. this is precisely our situation in Italy: the government controls the three public channels. They get the 60/70% of coverage (to be optimistic) and even when there is someone from the opposition on video, they use the so called "sanwich" strategy.

    The sandwich strategy

    When you want to influence public opinion over an issue (and assume that, being the government, you control the public media), pick the issue, let speak the majority parties first, then let the word to the opposition, then let them know the govern opinion (wich obviously coincides with the majority one, isn't it?).

    Here you have a nice "Sandwich": a thin opposition opinion between two thick pro-govern versions slices.

    The outcome is: you have to care for your back every time there are blinded majorities in the parliament.


    Sidenote: how could governments control the media so tightly? Madames et messieurs voilà: le spoil system!

    Just to underline that to defend proper democracy you have to struggle a lot and be always on alert (just for the sake of truth: here the spoil system was introduced by the so called "center-left"). :P

  2. I say, "principle above politics".

    Amen, brother.

    The point is that not necessarily politics must go away from principles. I'm strongly for ethical politics (politics with principles), the problem is: how many chances have a movement based on principles to find his way to the congress (not to talk about US presidency)?

    Again, this is a good issue for the former thread: http://forums.wildfiregames.com/wfg/index....?showtopic=2223

    (I like to merchandize my threads... :))

  3. But what if Kerry screws things up more than Bush? :) Would it be worth it then?

    A part from dropping some H-bomb on some islamic nations, i cannot see how thing could get worse in international USA politics.

    Even from a pro-Iraq-War point of view, things were not arranged to get all the operation smoothly (i think this was the opinion of some US military, but i cannot remember the names: care to help me on this?).

    I'm only vaguely informed on US internal politics (unemployement, healt care, education and welfare in general), but i admit thet the few opinions that i heard said that almost all that Bush has done, was previously endorsed by the democrats (if you are interested in this issue, please take a look at this thread about it: http://forums.wildfiregames.com/wfg/index....?showtopic=2223).


  4. If we didn't download it, it would be like people at Coke Cola plant never drinking soda once.

    Well,the reasoning is almost the same, but i think people at coke-cola are a little bit fed up with "their" beverage (at least i'd drink something different). But this is not our case, since our is a product of intellect, artistic talents and many coffee cups.... :)

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