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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. If EU doesn't care of his citizens, it is of no surprise that his citizens do not care about her (dunno why, but i feel Europe is of female gender... :indifferent:). Moreover, you said that less than 50% voted, then you should reduce that relative 11% of FN to at least a 5%. It's obvious that they'll have a number of seats according to their 11%, but it is also clear that the problem is to reduce abstentions...

    BTW: here in Italy voted 66% of peoiple (roughly) 3% less than in 1999.

    The results point out a redistribution of votes among the government parties (mr Berlusconi's one being the looser: -4%) and a general rise of left wing parties (greens, communists, moderate socialists), while the most moderate center-left lost a bit in face of 1999 results...

  2. An alternative could be that people are saying: we don't care this kind of Europe. We do not care that the European parliament lets GMO organisms to freely be distributed here, we do not care that the EU parliament lets Microsoft use our informatic market as his private playing ground, we do not cae that the EU parliament gives money for free without checking if it makes sense...

    ...those are things that make people get sick of Europe, imho.

    I don't know if this is of some importance, but generally speaking i find that every european here i have been in contact with shares my opinions on many issues, and most of all on the fact that Europe should start to give herself a political organism, with some degree of control over the national governments. This is the only thing that no european politician has constantly supported, afaik. Most of them are scared of loosing internal support from electors, enraged from the weakening of national indipendence. I feel that this is only a big soap bubble, we only need to take a pin and proove that... :indifferent:

  3. Aye, aye, Bernd.

    Same here. The worst is that our nice government has turned the whole election in a "with us or against us" thing. Throwing in things that have only few to do with the elections: war in Iraq, international terrorism, the "communists" always ready to stab the nation in the back... (the interesting thing is that in Berlusconi's party took refuge some the most stalinists ex-comunist party members, lol).


  4. Today (?) Ray Charles has died due complications caused by a liver disease he was affected.

    He was one of the best R&B piano interpreters and authors, with a exceptional sense for singing.

    We will miss you Ray, may you shake your tailfeathers wherever you are now.


  5. Stay calm, those in front of you will know very well that you are nervous, and are there only to do their work, not to torture you. If you stay calm (no coffee, please, some good slow breathing before going in...) and think of how you write here, all will be fine. Actually, you could even immagine that you are writing on the forums, instead that talking to a teacher. That could help (as long as you don't go off topic, but this rule counts here as well :nod: )

    Good luck!


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