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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. also the making of the original is War of the Ring is thinking of redoing it with newer counters and modified rules, I am also working on a LoTR board game which will cover the histories of ME minus the 1st age and Numenor (well maybe numenorean armies to the succour of Gil Galad  but no Numenor itself).

    Gilluin, Gilluin, you boardgames geek! What a great addition to our team thou arest! :P

    Really: i thought to be one of the last fanatic boardgamers of the community....


  2. The games Sauron and Gondor by SPI and the War of the Ring by SPI are also very nice additions to any ME board gaming collection.

    Yes, i own the latter (Gondor and Sauron didn't appealed enough after a couple of games i had): it's the best LotR boardgame sofar, imho. Yoe can play it in two or three, you can chooss to have a RPGlike game, or adding the military. Great! And i bought it by eBay. :P

  3. I think the war in Iraq borders on just.  It is helping civilians out, who were under terrible oppression (if someone starts saying "well Saddam was a good leader in this regard" I will give you a rep down... ok well maybe not, but consider yourself warned).

    Saddam wasn't a good leader, Iraqi people were oppressed. This is quite right.

    What i object is that it is up to Iraqi people to free themselves from this kind of oppression. Moreover, are you sure that, being Saddam removed, they'll be freed from oppression at all?

    I don't. Saddam based his power on terror, but mainly on the support from the clans. The present Iraqi government does roughly the same, and is not free to decide when the coalition troops have to depart, who is going to handle oil extraction and export, which enterprises are allowed to reconstruct what others (we) have destructed. In a situation like this, oppression spreads beyond the limit of what has been before, because extremist moovements strenghten their grip over society. It happens in Israel, it happens in Iraq, every day.

    I don't see this situation as extremely better than under Saddam's oppression. It's only different: Iraqis aren't free to decide for themselves ATM.



    P.S.Erik: would you mind to explain if you intended to give a rep- for the simple opinion of "Saddam being not so bad" (wich isn't mine, just to be clear) or because you feared that such a statement would come out unsourced, unbased, and unproofed (hence undebatable)? :P

    Anyway: i appreciated much your clear exposition (jingoist not included :P)

  4. Well said Klaas.

    I agree with Erik that some times war is "Justified" (not just). In particular in case a) or d) (if you are allied to a nation and this nation suffers from case a) only).

    I'd add another case: a nation is attacked and overhelmed before it can react. An international intervent is then in order (Iraqi war of 1991, as istance).

    Jiingoist, hmmm, i cannot immagine what does it means... :P

    I don't agree with other cases. For many reasons. The evidence of peril of an enemy attack may be forged (as with Poland in 1939, or even with Irak's last war). If you are forced to military protect humanitarian aids, it usually means that your aid are not only intended for helping populations, they also exhert some form of "political" influence over the internal affairs of thet nation. There are many examples, the best of it is that of "Medicines sans frontieres" or "Emergency". Those two NGOs have never accepted military protection, on behalf that being indipendent and not alegied to any government, theyr neutrality grants them an acceptable degree of safety. As a matter of facts, they rarely had serious problems where they operated (Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, and other countries stricken by wars, plagues and the rest). On the contrary, many government supported humanitarian missions had serious troubles when operating in highly risky situations, this because they do not appear to be indipendent from their government foregin politics.

    As for me, imho there are so many diplomatic options at our disposal, that i do not see any really necessity to use war. And yes, i'm a pacifist, as said by the 11th article of our constitution: i reject the idea of war as a mean to settle international controversies. This does not mena that i'm against self-defence or helping others in doing this (but no direct military intervention: a "lend-lease approach is enough, imho). But those are the only cases i agree with an armed intervention.

  5. About tolls and roads.

    I think that a Tollpost could be built in the right place. Other Civs can choose between:

    1-Paying the toll

    2-going the long way (and loosing time)

    3-attacking the tollpost, thus incurring in diplomatic troubles

    I suggest that an infantryman should be assigned to the tollpost to assure it works (no guard = no toll collected), more "guards of different types can be assigned but with no advantage toll-wise: they are there only to assure more protection to the tollpost...

    Waddya think of this?


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