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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. You should consider that there's no way to improve working conditions in some kind of jobs (at least not in a significative way). Moreover, what it is being paid is the fact that doing some jobs you'll prolly be unable to work (and forced to retire, hence not to earn money) earlier than doing other kind of jobs.

    BTW: i did not know that the sort of jobs listed by Klaas are to be considered blue-collars ones...

  2. Currently i'm in november 1947: i finished the tech tree some months ago: i started to bomb Italy and Germany with ICBMs... :lol: (sorry my german friends: do not take it seriously: it's only a game :)) I had some problems here and there, making some hazardous moves that resulted in minor (and major) setbacks when the nazis counterattacked. Overall, now i conquered Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Stettin, Rostock, liberated France, Denmark, Holland and Belgium (Luxembourg as well, but it seems they do not want to become indipendent). I have few time to do something significant (and my forces are a bit worn out, so i'll attack only here and there, i'll liberate Prague, maybe...). Anyway: it's addicting!


    BTW: how can you order your paras to launch from your transports?

  3. I'm currently playing USA, in this game, even if i pumped a lot of useful techs in Republican Spain, they managed to get totally ruined in a few months, even if they prevailed in the south and had a unique frontline in the north... ...hmmm, i guess the AI is not much wise strategically speaking...


  4. I agree with what you are saying, about divergent work conditions and such for many blue collar workers. Unfortunatley, I don't agree with the implication that because their job is slightly less disirable, that it is somehow more important, or deserves more attention or pay. I offer a very valuable service to the economy as a whole, even if it is not as directly visible as say, a steel workers. Not that I feel that steel workers shouldn't be well compensated, they should...very much so. Just like me, they offer a specialized skill that not all of the work force (in fact, a very very small percentage of the work force) can offer.

    Imho, you don't evalutate deep enough the implication of working conditions. Some hard works imply inhaling, absorbing, ingesting noxious substances, standing in a working place with extreme temperatures or very high noises, being exposed to high voltage dangers and highly energetic magnetic fields.

    This is not only "less desiderable", this shortens your working life (and your lifespan) by decades.

    A masoner, for istance, can be lucky if he reaches 50 years still being fit.

    Getting higher wages is not related to what economic service you're giving only (even if this is taken in account as well, of course), but also to how long you will be able to do it.

    Another implication is that having less working years in front of them, blue collars could not expect to gather enough money for health insurances and retirement insurances (btw: wich is the right name of them?), this at least in places like the US, wether in other countries, they are usually granted some form of health care or post retirement wages by the state (mind out that this is not for free, though: great part of their wages are taken for this purpose by the state and invested to grant sustainability of these expenses later on).

    This is the main reason for the different treatment, the second one i have already mentioned: white collars aren't as well organized and cohesive as the blue ones, hence they usually get worse economic treatment and less attention from the media and the politicians...


  5. I voted 5: it depends on platforms.

    Ask me something about Apple computers: i can give you some advice in many fields.

    Ask me something about "Wintels" (especially about newer systems): i barely manage to understand what you're referring to... :P

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