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Posts posted by rohirwine

  1. Hmm, trolls dwelled mostly in the Misty Mountains, hiding in caves during day and going at night. Anyway, Adam's idea has the pro of implementing playability without travelling too far from Tolkien's ideas...


  2. I'm almost sure it once existed a boardgame about the Battle of the five armies (BO5A), but i cannot remember wich company published it (TSR, ICE, AH?).

    Anyone here knows it, or owns it?

    If yes: have you evere played it? How was it(nice, horrible, clumsy, barely bearable)?



  3. Yes, i think everyone understood it was a wise choiche, badly needed to preserve usability and friendlyness of the forums. After all, those who like spam threads (i agree: WFG gameshow is not among that cathegory) were not stripped from their amusement. Hopefully we'll begin to use this GC for what is intended: relaxing, chatting, and the rest...

    ...*warns BlackOp that the wine wasn't dropped: it had gone sour and he wanted to throw it away* :P

  4. Yes i know him, but i do not appreciate him much. Partly because he indulges in some behaivours (wich aren't original: they come from Fred Buscaglione, a well known 50ies and 60ies italian singer) that become irritating with the passing of time. Among Italian Jazz singers i prefer Vinicio Capossela, or Gegé Telesforo. But i fear these two are a bit too local to be known abroad... :P

  5. excellent post again Matteo :P

    Sometimes i feel i'm almost "rep up harvesting" ... :P

    Nice historical summary, but i must add that the most recent impulse to welfare was the "New Deal", when te catastrophic conditions of US economy forced FDR to adopt some measures to stop the market from collapsing and to give the US citizens some faith in the future...


  6. Yes, i agree with Klaasy: vacations and holidays tend to turn people's attention away from WFG, moreover there is this general lack of interesting topics (even the HoI suffered a bit from it, imho) wich does not encourage to visit frequently. Maybe the mods should make a good injection of good topics, as long as summer reigns over partecipation (:P), and then we could check if this was enough to pass this swampy period...

  7. Thanks Klaas!

    Hmm, i don't know: here in Italy very few resources are destinated to help unemployees. Most of them are going to health and post retirement wages. Moreover, it's a bit simplistic to say that if someone doesn't work, then he's not willing to. This may be partially true for the US where it seems it's easyer to find a job (but how much true? If a 50 year pro is fired: how many chances has he to be reengaged elsewere? Wouldn't a younger worker with the same attributes be preferred?), but here in Europe, things are different: jobs tend to be long term ones, and finding a new one is not so easy (if you look for a justly rewarded one). Hence some money from the taxes is destined to people who lost their job due certain circumstances (enterprise bankrupcy, or closing due shifting of production/services abroad). This aid is intended not to throw into despair workers, while they strive to get a new job.

    If you are urged to find a new one you can be forced to accept any condition (economic and working mansions-wise), if you are a little bit sheltered by some form of economic aid, you have a stronger contractual force, and you can assure that you get fair working conditions. In this case i do not care to give some money to the state. As long as my wage permits me to live with dignity and without worries, i'm definitely with some money being taken from me for welfare. And it is not a matter of freedom: if i would, i could get a job with less taxes, but this would have led me to getting less rights for me, my wife and eventually for my children. Welfare permits me to be granted a level of health care wich i could not afford by other means, and permits me (while i help others with my taxes) to be helped in case of need. Hence i chose to get a work with this rights granted. And i thank every day this choiche i made: when i started working, things in Italy were going on quite smooth (no economic crisis going on, no "take from the poors and give it to the riches" politics by our government), now things have changed a lot and being granted some rights makes me sleep at night, instead that wasting money on sleeping inducting pills, because i have no idea on how to pay the doctor bills next day.

    Therefore, i am more free today just because i gave away some of my money yesterday.


  8. Hmm, i 'm not going deep into this debate (not for the moment), but i just wanted to point out some things.

    A better definition of Capitalism should be: capitalism is an economic system where some peoples invest theyr capitals to earn a profit.

    I do not see any connection with either free-market, social darwinism or other economical or phylosophical theories. In fact many capitalists asked their government to highten custom wages to protect (hence the term protectionism) their share of profits (this is nowadays US policy for a bunch of products, as istance). Where is free-market here?

    The only thing strictly related to the notion of capitalism is that of private property, afaik: if you cannot dispose of your properties freely, you cannot be granted to be able to invest and earn a profit...

    Another thing that has partially been left out in the debate about who actually gets welfare help: mind out that welfare is not only thought for unemployees. What about orphans and elders? They do not work(or they shouldn't), but through welfare they are granted alimentation, hospitals and school (for children, of course), at least in a welfare state.

    Moreover: capitalists are usually quite happy to see that people without a work get a "social wage", as long as they are not the people inteded to pay for it. In fact people who are granted an unemployement wage become instantly consumers: they are inserted back in the economical process. Part of that wage is going to end in the capitalist's pockets.

    Why am i happy to live (still, ATM) in a welfare state? As Klaasy a great part of my wage goes into taxes (and you can belive me: it's not a big wage). But i know that, if i'd fell ill, i will be able to go to an hospital, no matter the costs. When i'll be old and unable to work any more, i'll have a retirement wage, wich i payed during my working life. I have not to be worried about my investment plan, the state esures my money won't be eroded by the "free-market". I can be relaxed for my future, for the future of my children, as long as we keep this kind of welfare.

    Most of all, i'm happy to give part of my taxes to the state for him to take care of people who need it. In the futur i could have the same (or even worse) needs, one can never be sure. In that case i feel happy at the idea that someone will help me as i've done with someone else before. This thing is called solidarity, never heard about it?

    It is perfectly natural: it is one of the ethological strategies put into field by the human race to survive and be fit. It is not a contraddiction. Just mind out: even in a material only analysis, it is quite probable that, if i feel confortable and not worried about mine future and that of my close or distant relatives, i'll be able to work better, with better concentration, producing better ideas, with higher intensity.

    On the contrary, if i'm burdened with worries about my wife, my children, my parents, in the likely event that one of us falls ill, gets old, without any chance of covering the expenses these situations usually bring up, it's likely i'll be distracted by these worries, i'll produce less, with less creativity, pace, quality and concentration.

    After all, welfare is a big deal for the economy.


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