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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. This might be a good thing, does it stop poison as well?
  2. @Dizaka @Darkcity the issue is in the code: Civic centres use <ProductionQueue> units/{Civ}/cavalry_javelineer_b THis will only allow the cavalry javelineer of your own Civ to be trained here, be it a Merc or a CS. İf your Civ doesn't have a cavalry javelineer of any kind then you won't be able to train anything. on the other hand, the Carthaginian's embassy use this units/Carthage/cavalry_swordsman_merc_a This specifies that the Carthaginian cavalry will be trained by pointing to a specific template file in the Carthaginian folder. This means the building will be able to train that particular cavalry unit no matter who owns it, as the trainee is Civ independent.
  3. Easiest solution, like @Darkcity proposed: show total number of games played in the lobby INCLUDING non 1v1 games, then date of account creation relative to GMT +0:00 Rating is not important, what's important is to see that the person is experienced, i.e. not cosmic. Examples of where ratings are completely useless: reza-math, FUBAR, SaidRdz If an account is new, then they are either a smurf or a cosmic, so they will not be allowed into 4v4 games. If an old player is returning, we would be able to tell from the date of account creation and the total number of games they played. As someone who has attempted smurfing a dozen times I can tell you the following: 1. Making a new email address is not a difficult task and will not require one to spend any money. 2. In some countries one can buy a new SIM card and hence a new phone number for very low prices. 3. Lobby bans can be bypassed, not very easily but quite do-able. 4. Smurf speculators guess correctly around 50% of the time.
  4. I think Wei Qing is very unique and a lone unit wouldn't be able to offset balance too much, so I would recommend keeping him as a chariot unit.
  5. Listening to this while you play 0ad will increase your damage against any Greek enemies: (joking)
  6. reza-math has been muted again, apparently for mis-spelling 'batch training'? We are requesting an un-mute. Furthermore, perhaps we should remove the auto-mute and auto-ban function. @rossenburg @user1
  7. The player on the hill get a range bonus - makes ranged units more deadly. Also melee units need to walk around the hill, and that will make the attackiing side and defending side experience different terrains - someone gets an advantage.
  8. This looks great! Is it possible for you to remove the hill features so that we have just a plateau? These terrains often give one player an advantage over another, especially to archers and slingers.
  9. A few more useful flare message (based on experience in other games): Form up on me! Help! Danger here! Let's go here! Vulnerable targets here! Enemy army spotted! Enemy is building, deny it! Build this for me! Protect this location! Cover me!
  10. Sometimes attack move (press ctrl + right click) will make ranged units run.
  11. To reduce smurfs: Tie lobby account with forum account Tie lobby account with email Tie account with phone number Add a test before allowing players to register a lobby account, like what Megaglest is doing.
  12. I have no intention of creating these accounts, I'm just joking with G.O.A.T to see how gullible he is to such reports. And even if you ban people, there are ways to bypass.
  13. It's not a huge deal because marriage is just a contract, just like buying a house, no one has been harmed in the process. If Mohammed does something physical to Aisha afterwards then that's another story, and he will charged with assulting children.
  14. Another such puzzle for you: Abbey_Wood Woolwich Custom_House ??????_????? Whitechapel Liverpool_St. Tottenham_Ct._Rd. ?????????? Try to guess the names in question marks
  15. @G.O.A.T try to guess the last one, i will use it first! Good luck! I will reveal the answer below if you can't get it.
  16. Upcoming smurf accounts: Brixton Stockwell Vauxhall Pimlico Victoria Green_Park Oxford_Circus Warren_Street Kings_Cross Highbury Islington Finsbury Seven_Sisters Tottenham-Hale BlackHorse ???????????_??????? This is a joke, the last one has been left out for you to guess. It will be trivial for Londoners.
  17. I don't know your password, but in order to crack it: Which passwords do you use most often? What were you thinking when you created the account? Why choose the name darkcity?
  18. List of account and their passwords: (feel free to use) Rotherhithe rotherhithe Kensington-Olympia 123456789 Egils_Levits president cumhurbashkani president güzel_kiz guzelkiz Sevda 123456789 Hot_Chocolate chocolate Eiskaffee eiskaffee or 123456789 ezilenlerin ezilenlerin or 123456789 aslan-shir 123456789 mahtab moonlight DocteurCanard doctorcanard or docteurcanard This is as much as I can remember
  19. Kate guessed my password because I always use 123456789
  20. Many people aren't, but there exists a language barrier. I am not sure if Frinsong is communicating effectively here neither.
  21. I'd like to report myself with my accounts: SEKONDA RolandSC4 guzel_kiz sanafur Egils_Levits brb Rollo cumhurbashkani aslan-shir AlocAcoc mahtab Yulenka (was hacked) Sixth_Serenade (was hacked) YT98 LeonhardEuler SuperPosition seviyorum vatanim sensin ezilenlerin gur sesidir O Suskun dunyanin hur sesidir O...
  22. Norse_Hoxha is attempting to imposter Jiang ZeMin in the lobby while Frinsong is spamming. Initially I was intrigued by his Chinese skills but later on I spotted that he's a fraud. Norse_Honecker is his friend who is constantly posting stereotypical slogans in Chinese. A very long and interesting chat: gongchandang hao = communist party is good At this point we were introducing ourselves Even Frinsong is speechless I am trying to communicate the issues facing China and try to ask for his WeChat account but he doesn't understand
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