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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by DarkAngelBGE

  1. Khazun, you are going to stop spamming or I'll make sure you do.
  2. Football for me. I just love kicking the ball so hard that the goal keeper runs off screaming.
  3. Shadowflare, also, we hea´vily rely on the maturity of our forumers. One thing I can promise you is that this place will never have people like on the HG Main Forums.
  4. "He listens to whatever I say". LoL, explain.
  5. Hey Jerry, finally you made it here. How is it going for you ? Oh btw, we are now WFG, not WFS anymore.
  6. Oh and then Klaas pulled out his pink T-Shirt you know, his own secret weapon. Girls can't resist then. :/
  7. Jo, Boss. Added it to my TODO list. Might ship this weekend or the next one.
  8. How about "Empowering Gamers since September 2003" ?
  9. Lol, Michel, nice one. I second Klaas. Some good politicians would be a good addition.
  10. Oh, hehe. What are your hobbies, last_samurai ?
  11. What do you think is your purpose in life ? Explain as detailed as you can.
  12. Go Shaheen, go ! You are almost there. I see the title encourages people to post. Just all make sure you don't .
  13. Yeah I know Shadowflare. Thanks for he link, already d/l 3MB.
  14. Heya Silent, what are your hobbies like so we know you a better way ?
  15. Hey Zack, man, your brother is an active moderator, you be proud of him. Welcome to the WFG Community Forums.
  16. Hmm..no special reason, ack. Maybe you'd agree if there is a good idea ? How about "Empowering Gamers since September 2003" ? Well it does not let our real goal through, but it's a start.
  17. Hey, are there any suggestions for a new Community Contest that we could run ? Maybe again a Graphic Design Contest ? What are your ideas ?
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