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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by DarkAngelBGE

  1. AH, Luke, old house. Life's good at the moment. Had a girlfriend recently but broke up with her due to some not so nice reasons.. How is life for you? How does your webdesign job go? Welcome back, Luke.
  2. Is it all too easy? Don't need any support? Doubtful. What makes you hesitate to post about your assignments here?
  3. What do you do when you take off 15 minutes? Do you just sit on the bed? Listen to music? What do you do?`What works best for you..that is what motivates you again and recharges your batteries the best way?
  4. These are key notes, therefore there are no real sentences, but word groups. It was made by some mates of mine. I just helped them proofreading it.
  5. Hehe, Argalius. But I more meant proofreading the language instead of the contents.
  6. ..to say that they are sorry? There are people who really have a hard time, no matter what situation they are facing, to say sorry. What do you think is the reason for that?
  7. What does it stand for? As fast as possible? I think I have heard it in some military film the first time. Always wondered where andh ow it developed. Anyone?
  8. ..achieve in your life by all means ? What do you do that makes achieving them easier ? I will post my list later.
  9. I wish you all the best for your 31st, blueamoeba! Make sure you don't drink too much!
  10. surgery? What kind of surgery? Hehe, that would be cool no. But I think I'd throw up after some hours.
  11. I thought I'd post that in HOI, but meh... Do you have a real friend? YOu should be able to answer this after answering the original topic question.
  12. My discourse on Britain's medieval period got me an A. Thanks a lot guys for your help.
  13. Woah, old thread. Well for me this changed from 1 egg every two days to 1 or two eggs per week.
  14. Closed after a request from ZeZar.
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