That can be IRC channels, forums, online books, , tutorials, biographies, paintings, websites that explain problems, etc. Would be cool if anyone shared some with me.
Nope, Robert is on vacation with his parents I think. @Amy: Will be included when upgrading the forums. @Erik: Jogged, yes. But it was fast jogging, so almost running (imagine a 6 foot 6 inch and 230lbs man jogging - it is running in fact ).
Exactly, Anco and I want that, too, but in this case it seems impossible. When I make it work on your resolution it will look too much on the left for people with higher resolutions. And since higher resolutions are more common I have to go with that way. It's all about compromisses - and doing what the majority can see. I am sorry.
Here are some of my best friends. Left side (from foreground to bg): an arm of Jan, Nikolas, Josephine, Marie-Sophie, Hagen Right side (fg to bg): Philip, Paul, Anna Phil is totally off the road.