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Everything posted by Duileoga
Mod garamantians City Garamante War garamante vs rome @Stan` @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Lopess @Lion.Kanzen @Carltonus @TigerDen @asterix @Genava55 @Trinketos @wackyserious @Darkcity @rossenburg @Player of 0AD @Old Roman Disculpen las molestias*
Yayoi Mod (Yayoi village) @Lopess @wackyserious @AIEND @Ultimate Aurelian @Langbart @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Genava55 @bad player @no name yet @DIYARAKUZA @Radiotraining @Lion.Kanzen @Carltonus @Wesley @LordGood -Disculpen las molestias*
Milenium A.D Mod; (umayad) (Rus de kiev) (Carolingios) (Norse) (Byzantin) @Lopess @Stan` @Lion.Kanzen @wowgetoffyourcellphone @wackyserious @Darkcity @asterix @Carltonus @rossenburg @Palaiologos @Old Roman @Trinketos @Gurken Khan Disculpen las molestias*
XIII Mod West. East West vs East Nómadas @wackyserious @Lion.Kanzen @Stan` @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Lopess @Old Roman @asterix @Carltonus @Gurken Khan Disculpen las molestias*
Mayas Mod; @Lopess@Stan`@wowgetoffyourcellphone @Trinketos @Ultimate Aurelian @Genava55 @Gurken Khan
[Task] Iberian, Lusitan, Celto-Iberian symbology
Duileoga replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Official tasks
creo que es Celtíbero Para símbolo de los Celtíberos , estaría perfecto -
Fauna maya finalizada ; Iconos; -Las foto no está en español porque quiero que sea más internacional, Lista; 1. jaguarundi 2. howler monkey 3. spider monkey 4. otter 5. Tepezcuintle 6. opossum- 7. iguana 8. jaguar 9. black panther 10. virginia deer 11. Pecarí 12. giant anteater 13. boa constrictor 14. ocelote 15. Cougar 16. margay 17. raccoon 18. coati 19. Mexican tamandua (anteater) 20. Tapetí 21.Coyote 22. greater grison 23. Hooded skunk 24. Hammerhead Shark 25. Sardá shark 26. killer whale 27. Cojolite 28. .White-bellied Chachalaca 29.Caimán. 30. .Paujil 31. .Timanú 32. .mazama temama 33. .Yuuk/Mazama pandora 34. .gray fox 35. .Mexican gray squirrel 36. .Dolphin 37. .nose crocodile 38. .morelet crocodile 39. .Basilisk / striped toloque 40. .giant toad 41.Xoloitzcuintle -¿Sugerencias , críticas etc...? Disculpen las molestias*
Si las hice; Torre grande (defensive tower) 14.Tower defense ;----------------------(ichnal) Torre pequeña; (Sentry tower) 15.Sentry tower;---------------(Ch'at ichnal)
¿What do you think? @Lopess @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Stan` @Lion.Kanzen @Trinketos -Bonuses; -Faction bonus; 1-"Milpa ";(The orchards are +50% more resistant than those of other factions). 2-Early monumental architecture; (All Mayan buildings except the wonder, urban centers, the pyramid and the fortress, can be built in phase 2). 3-Canoes;(-25% less cost and -25% less sea unit recruitment time, but -15% weaker compared to other factions) -Team bonus; 1) "Sakbé" or "Bi"/Paved avenues (All infantry units move +5% faster). -Special technologies; 1)In Observatory; 1)-"Tzolkin"/agricultural or lunar calendar; (The Mayan gardens have a capacity of 40% more farmers, that is, 7 farmers instead of 5). 2)-"Haab' "/solar calendar of 365 days;(Orchards cost -25% less) 3)-"Mol Haab' "/annual harvest (farmers have 20% more harvesting capacity/quantity in orchards and bushes or +5units of capacitie more). 4)-" Chak ek' "/Cycle of Venus.(Bonus +25% attack damage for all units for 1min and recharges every 20 min.) (It would be like one of the Hindu skills in AOE 3, where a similar bonus is given.) 2)In Palace; 5)-"Mih"/"0, number zero";(recruitment by groups of units is +10% faster). 6)-"Tz'ib"/writing; (all Mayan special skills and technologies take -50% less time to develop). 7)-"Aj Sul"/Administrators; (Mayan special buildings take -20% less construction time). 8)-"Tz'akaj"/Accounts-Calculations; (All Mayan special skills and technologies are -25% less in price.) 3) In Templo Mayor; 9)-"Chuk"/capture or "submit to..."; -High priests can sacrifice enemies (killing them) making their own units within their aura gain +20% range per enemy sacrificed. 10)-"Temple in layers"; -The main temple has a second structure below, which allows to continue with the functions of the building, but this second layer only has 25% health than the first layer already destroyed. That is, it is like adding an extra +25% of health. (Many Mayan buildings grew on a pre-existing one with the same functions of the previous dynasty or period, with this technology this facet of Mayan architecture would be seen a little.) 4) In Ball Court; 11)-"Pitzil"/ball player (the units in phase 3 sheltered in the ball court, as X time passes, become heavy infantry units such as the jaguar warrior, such as going up to a hypothetical 4th phase with the passage of X time, but only for phase 3 units, does not allow phase 1 units to go up to phase 2 nor does it allow phase 2 units to go up to phase 3). 12)-"Tok Lom"/incendiary spears) Incendiary spears for the "Guardian warrior". -It is a technology that allows this warrior to use incendiary spears, which do +5% damage to infantry and cavalry units, +10 damage to buildings and +15 damage to ships and siege units. 13)-"Rubber"?/rubber (jaguar warriors and light infantry that use axes gain +10% attack).------------from lopess (Rubber/proto-chauco was already used in Mesoamerica and Mayan hair since 1600 BC, to better fix the ax blades on their wooden handles.) 14)-Run. (on a ball court) -The units of the Ball Court, guardian warrior, jaguar and guacamallo, increase their movement speed by +20%. (with this technology they will have a movement mechanic that looks like they are running and not walking) 5) Range; 15)-"Julob Kix"/shoot poison (warriors with blowguns shoot poison, in addition to damaging when shooting, the enemy loses health while the poison lasts) It has already been implemented by lopess. 6)Fortress; 16)-"Tok"/burn .(skill that increases +25% the attack on buildings for light infantry units). In places like "Chiapa del Corozo", "Becán", "Cerros" ... there are signs of arson with warlike purpose in the preclassic. 7) In Barracks; 17)-"Taj"/obsidian items(units using obsidian weapons deal +15% more damage against enemy units). 8) In Pyramid; 18)"Chum il"/Access as ruler; -Hero units take 80% less time to recruit and are 25% cheaper, but lose 10% health and move 10% slower). 19)-Ix Tz'akbul yajaw/Female Successor (when a male hero dies, he is automatically succeeded by a Female Sovereign unit in the closest C.C, this can only happen 2 times maximum). 9)In Market; 20)-"Konol kakaw"Cocoa trade;-Land merchants will now only trade using metals and no other resources, but this does not affect naval merchants who will continue to trade many products. (To compensate, the faction collects +25% slow metals from the mines, since during this period hardly any metals were mined). 21)-"Kib"/shell.-Because it was formerly used as barter in the Mayan world, land and sea merchants are +10% cheaper and move +10% faster). 10)In Port; 22)-"Little draft"; -The canoes can navigate on any water surface, regardless of the depth, being able to cross fords and shallow waters, but then the canoes will only allow transporting 10 units max. (Due to the low weight of the Mayan vessel compared to the other factions since it is only a carved trunk). 23)-"Fluvial Nautical"; -The canoes can cross through very narrow areas, through areas where the ships of the other factions cannot cross due to their narrowness, but their attack is reduced by -10%. (Because the Mayans used the rivers as communication and transport routes). 24)-"Cabotage"; -Mayan merchant canoes gain 25% more in international trade, but merchant canoes lose -10% health. (Because the maritime trade was as important as the fluvial one, arriving from Tabasco to Honduras in the Preclassic, while they came to communicate Veracruz, the Greater Antilles and Colombia in the Postclassic). 11)In Barn; 25)-"Chulub'Tun"/Chultún-fluvial cistern; -Allows each and every one of all the orchards to generate 10 units of food automatically even without having farmers inside, but it reduces the useful life of the orchards to 1,000 units of food and once spent it runs out and that particular orchard disappears, like the cattle. (That is, they would become like the gardens in Aoe 2, but would automatically generate food even when unoccupied) 12) storehouse; 26) "Siho'm" / Plots cleared and burned for planting; -Ability to collect wood, +5, but the speed of collecting metals is -10%. (only wood, it would be like an extra technology similar to the basket or the wheelbarrow, but only for wood). 13) Corral; 27) "Mayan beekeeping"; (Lopess idea) -Each and every one of the pens produce 10 units of food per minute, but also each of the units is +15% more expensive in food. More Visual; Sorry for the inconveniences
Genial , como habrá visto @Lion.Kanzen y @wowgetoffyourcellphone, los dividí en ; Infantería ligera. Infantería pesada. Infantería campeona. Infantería auxiliar. Infantería de asedio. Héroes Navales Civiles. Características. (únicas para diferenciarlos de lejos o en batallas) Infantería ligera: Ataque a distancia (textura con accesorios y ropa ceñida) Ataque cuerpo a cuerpo (texturas de ropa olgada y ancha) Infantería pesada: Las únicas unidades con escudos, ya que los mayas luchaban como los samuráis , sin escudos o usando los muy raramente. (por eso solo aconsejo que estas unidades lleven escudos) Bonuses que los permiten "correr"(y compensar ligeramente a la caballería enemiga) Infantería Campeona: Ropa colorida Grandes tocados de plumas. Infantería auxiliar: -Peinados regionales (cabello afeitado epi-Olmeca o cabello suelto proto-Lenca entre otros...) Armas propias y diferentes de los mayas (macuahuitl para olmecas y arco y flechas para lencas) Infantería de asedio; Cuerpos más fuertes (musculosos) Héroes : Héroe Soberano ( unidad con más adornos y joyas) Héroe Divino (única unidad jugable porteado sobre una litera portátil) Heroína Mujer Soberana( única unidad maya femenina que pelea) Navales ; canoas de pesca (pequeña y con un marinero) Canoa mercante (La más grande , muchos adornos y con un marinero o dos) Canoa de guerra (la más larga y única con dos marineros y un guerrero) Civiles; Las únicas unidades que no portan armas . Disculpen las molestias*
Hello; @wowgetoffyourcellphone -We can removed the "library"(the technologies would pass to the palace) and the "colony", leaving only 6 special buildings in a total of 25 playable structures. New concept; new pyramid icon; @Lion.Kanzen ¿What do you think?
Hola; Cambios que pidió @Lion.Kanzen; .Plumas en mayor cantidad y más colorido. .Figuras zoomorfas y antropomorfas. .Joyería de jade (pendientes y collares) Unidad remodelada; Líder;------------------------------------------------ --------(Aj Payal) Aspecto; (Las plumas ya no indican color de facción, ahora son decorativas a diferencia de la mayoría de uniades) (El color de facción lo indica el casco , el borde de la ropa y los nudos de la Pica"lanza larga") Los cascos llevan máscara de ; Felino Cráneo Reptil Cánido (El sombrero lo llevará otra unidad del editor de escenarios) comparación; Icono para la unidad; -Líder;------------------------------------------------ --------(Aj Payal) ; ¿Qué opina?
@CovenantKillerJ -I didn't realize it, but @Lopess can change it. You can ask or tell me about the appearance of the units, animals, buildings, icons and other aesthetic things.
@Lopess está un poco atareado , @Lion.Kanzen ¿Usted podría hacerlo? ¿Primero cambio los sombreros por los nuevos modelos y luego vos se encarga de hacer los ajustes informáticos...? Disculpe las molestias*
-Se va a parecer un poco al del "Templo Mayor", pero intentaré hacerlos lo más diferentes y bonitos posibles.
-Thanks for the translations and your criticism. -I have a little more variety, but they seem too different from each other and it is possible that they do not look like the same unit. (feathered headdresses, proto-turbans, hairstyles...) ,and from all that variety I made a unit "Cortesano"(courtier/member of the court): -If you want to choose 3 ... and I will remodel them.(weapons ,texture of the war unit etc...)
Special Buildings; icon-Library icon-Big temple icon-ball court icon-observatory ( @wowgetoffyourcellphone already debugged this icon ) icon-palace icon-Mayan colony icon-pyramid icon-square ¿What do you think? @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Stan` @Lion.Kanzen @Lopess @Trinketos