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Everything posted by Obskiuras

  1. In the cimbri war there where some galic trives that allied to the cimbri
  2. Battle of Vercellae 101 bc: infantery clash, cimbri vs Roman Republic. Author Igor Dzis. We can use it as a reference for heavy swordmen.
  3. Its not finished but tell me what you think @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  4. I am preparing a new concept for wall city, i wil use this references: Roman Siege walls
  5. Maybe this can help The color of the concret is a milky white
  6. Ok, thanks for answering, i will look for reference for concrete wall texture to help.
  7. @Alexandermb Out of curiosity, how is the civil center building going?
  8. A reference for walls city: Biskupin, Poland Hillfort (iron age)
  9. As far as buildings are concerned, they are very square
  10. If it looks weird i will make new concept of the phase 1 buildings
  11. Germanic buildings are all made of wood or at least most, if you want i can make a concept of circular tower to have variety.
  12. Does this serve as a reference for heavy swordmen? https://www.facebook.com/pg/Dagome-148790198492950/photos/?ref=page_internal
  13. I had not thought of using the hellenic market as a reference, anyway i already drew it, in a while i upload it and give me your opinion
  14. It looks beautiful, soon i will upload conceptual art of market and blacksmith!
  15. Look what i found https://www.facebook.com/Dagome-148790198492950/?ref=ts
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