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Everything posted by Obskiuras

  1. I suggest a shield wall formation: The shield wall formation would be diferent from phalanx formation. The shield wall formation would give a bonus against projectile damage, the phalanx formation would give a bonus against melee damage. Many players use and abuse ranged infantery, witch exterminates melee infantery. The shield wall formation will make the melee infantery more viable, in a historical period marked by the use of strong infantery, and will make it easy to invade enemy territory without losing more than half of your army in the process.
  2. Drawing of a Germanic warrior that i made.
  3. About shield wall formation: The shield wall formation would be diferent from phalanx formation. The shield wall formation would give a bonus against projectile damage, the phalanx formation would give a bonus against melee damage. In the historical period covered by this game, all soldiers carried shields. Shields are used to protect themself from arrows in the first instance and from enemy charges in second instance. Many players use and abuse ranged infantery, witch exterminates melee infantery. The shield wall formation will make the melee infantery more viable, in a historical period marked by the use of strong infantery, and will make it easy to invade enemy territory without losing more than half of your army in the process.
  4. I don´t agree, we can explore other options, for example: 1) Increase infantry defense against projectiles with shield wall formation. 2) Increased the defense of the fortresses to make them more viable and harder to capture. 3) Garrison soldiers on the rams to make them stronger. 4) Garrison only ranged infantery in wall towers.
  5. I think we should strengthen walls and palisades, in the game it´s very easy to shoot then down and that doesn´t feel realistic. Also, when soldiers (archer, sliger, javelin) are garrisoned on walls they sould have more range attack, and of course, the tower of the walls must be able to fire. what do you think @chrstgtr?
  6. It would be historycally correct for them to have this type of battle formation
  7. Will this battle formation be avalible?
  8. I have a couple of questions: What will the faction be called in the end? What advantage will this faction have over the other factions?
  9. I'll make other designs and you choose the one you like the most.
  10. I´m using this references for the new design
  11. My pc is broken, when i fix it i'll upload my design. In a few days.
  12. Can someone send me photos of the other factions' market?
  13. About the Cimbri faction: what specifications do you have for the design of the new market? I want to start right now.
  14. Si, pienso que se puede aplicar a murallas y fortaleza.
  15. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/22842-dacian-references/
  16. I was thinking about doing building concept art for that facción, fortunately i found a forum post with many references. If it is really a desired faction for the game, i will gladly start designing.
  17. Does anyone know if there is anyone working in Dacian faction?
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