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Everything posted by Obskiuras

  1. Me quedo con lo que vos decís, haré un conceptual art del taller de maquinas de asedio.
  2. Right now i´m making a fortress based in the hellenic fortress. I will upload it tomorrow at the latest.
  3. @Lion.Kanzen Buen cuadro conceptual, en tu opinión que edificios de los Suevos faltarían hacer? yo tengo anotado en mi libreta que me falta el edificio especial de la tercera fase "Great Hall", la fortaleza y la maravilla. El taller de maquinas de asedio no se si hacerlo o no ya que los germanos tempranos no hacían maquinas de asedio muy a menudo, solo arietes y de de vez en cuando. Para el templo aun necesito mas referencias, los germanos hacían sus sacrificios al aire libre y el los bosques, así que si diseño un templo tendría que ser parecido al de los galos y bretones.
  4. Hello there, i need a count of the remaining buildings to desing for the Suebi. @wowgetoffyourcellphoneI would like to finish as soon as pissible and start to desingning the buildings of the Goths.
  5. Concept art of Suebian fortress, it´s just a pencil sketch of a model for the fortress. It´s not definitive.
  6. The closest thing we have is that they wore celtic helmets.
  7. In the cimbri war there where some galic trives that allied to the cimbri
  8. Battle of Vercellae 101 bc: infantery clash, cimbri vs Roman Republic. Author Igor Dzis. We can use it as a reference for heavy swordmen.
  9. Its not finished but tell me what you think @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  10. I am preparing a new concept for wall city, i wil use this references: Roman Siege walls
  11. Maybe this can help The color of the concret is a milky white
  12. Ok, thanks for answering, i will look for reference for concrete wall texture to help.
  13. @Alexandermb Out of curiosity, how is the civil center building going?
  14. A reference for walls city: Biskupin, Poland Hillfort (iron age)
  15. As far as buildings are concerned, they are very square
  16. If it looks weird i will make new concept of the phase 1 buildings
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