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Everything posted by Obskiuras

  1. I would like to return to the Harii tribe, the "ghost warriors". Painted warriors whith black shields attacking at night as a ghost army. Regarding the Harii, Tacitus writes in Germania:
  2. That blady cut bangs makes me laugh hahahahahahaha!
  3. I need reference to made the dock, does anyone have any?
  4. I really like it, i would like to see it in the buildings, by the way this is awesome
  5. For the city walls i made this: The base of the walls is stone, the rest is palisade and thached roof.
  6. From what I have read, their settlements were of urban structure typical of villages, they were not very durable. I don't think its buildings will last long enough to look dirty and damaged.
  7. First and foremost, what wood did they use to build? what trees were they cutting down?
  8. For some reason it does not let me upload the other image, my internet is slow.
  9. Today i upload new concept art, phase 1 buildings, stay tuned.
  10. No, i did not play AoE 3, what is the purpose of that?
  11. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I was playing with the suevos in the delenda est and I saw things that I liked and others that I didn't: Things I did not like: The farms are worth 200 of wood which makes economic development very slow and the objective of the 0A.D is to emphasize the military strategy rather than the economic one, the militia units lower the life bar until they die which I don't know if it's a mod error or it's on purpose (please explain it to me). The things that if I ended up liking: were for example the technologies of the blacksmith and resources since it makes more emphasis on both economic and military strategy, if you want to build an army already thought of before or in certain situations, build the counter army of your opponent, you can do it with the improvements of the blacksmith shop and recruit more easy these units with the improvements of the storehouse.
  12. Si eso ya lo he hecho antes, de mods tengo el delendaest (A23) el Millenium y el TerraMagna.
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