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Emacz last won the day on November 10 2024

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  1. Wont ban them on historical That is if I can figure out how to bring everything over to a27!
  2. Thanks, was having this discussion on the historical discord server, and we all agree on running/acceleration. and regular movement is just walking. Making it realistic or at least the ratio between the two though start to create problems. Since running only happens in those two situations, it doesnt make sense that a horse would cover the same distance across the map only a little faster than human. You would almost need to add in stamina or something that might make it way too complex, so now just trying to find the right balance where cav mobility isnt too op, especially for civs with limited, weak cav.
  3. Can someone explain to me a little more how these three movements work? I feel like most of the time units always walk, its only when you try and gather them to formation do they run. Am i missing something? My understanding is the average human walks 3 MPH while horses only walk 4 mph. It running where they have the big advantage most horses can run an average of 30mph, while Usain bolt can get up to 27.3 MPH, its only for a couple seconds Just something Im thinking about for the historical patch.
  4. ahaha oopps im blinde a27 was wishful thinking
  5. i get connection to server rejected A27?!?
  6. I kinda of agree. Pretty sure i suggested somewhere a ranking system similar to Starcraft 2. But I agree it will be harder with a small player pool.
  7. historical mod, i dont think geratrix is there yet its mostly only played by small group of known players.. I have more thoughts on this topic in general and will add later if i remember.
  8. Yeah i actually like this more, but im not srue how to implement it. Palisades have resistance, but not "extra" for cavalry.
  9. Arnt you the one who said that too many aura's slow down the game though? But yes, quick simple fix! Thanks
  10. Im still somewhat new to the modding, but wondering if palisade could do 1 damage every3-5 seconds with same change as spear cav, then apply a huge bonus against cav, so if cav get too close to the palisades they get seriously injured, but infantry (since they take up less space and are a little more maneuverable would only take a very small amount of dmg and could destroy the palisades. It's something I would like to maybe play around with in the historical patch if people have ideas on how it could be implemented and work as intended
  11. maybe we should try and combine some of the best features from a couple mods
  12. thanks, yes always looking for new players and ideas! and new link is: Emacz2/Historical-rebalance-patch: Mod for 0AD
  13. Defintiely agree with smarter AI for SP. And again I still like more of a "starcraft" approach to MP. right now there are too many unknowns, smurfs, multis ect... this wont be completely fixed with a new model, but if somehow your rating/ability can be calculated better regardless if you dont play rated games and you can be put against players around your ability it would me more attractive and fun. I remember one of my first games against borg 6+ yaers ago, I lasted less than 3 minutes and was so annoyed at his cav rush and thought it was so OP, but mostly cause i didnt realy know how to play the game yet and playing him was one of my first MP experiences
  14. I think walls/forts and maybe ccs would be good. But yeah they were mostly used for gettting over walls into cities/castles.
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