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Sebastián Gómez

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Everything posted by Sebastián Gómez

  1. @vladislavbelov Thank you so much for making this changes. As far as I understand you're still doing final tests, right? Will it be added to the SVN after that?
  2. Dude, would you share all your knowledge with me please?
  3. Hey guys, I want to tweak the colors from the player color picker list in order to make them fit better with the style of my MOD. Would somebody show me how to do that please?
  4. I was reading that thread this week. I'm very amazed of how you have learned so much about modding. Nice!
  5. Yes, until I create my own Thanks for your comprehensive explanation. I really appreciate it.
  6. I'll follow the established name convention then. Can I ask you one more question? Since I haven't created my own units yet, I want to set up my new civ to use units from another civ like Spartans. Do I need to copy the Spartan units to my civ folder and rename them or is it possible to use them by just "addressing" their original folder path in one my civ templates?
  7. @Lion.Kanzen la verdad yo eliminé el servidor porque nadie se unía. Pensé que había más gente jugando el MOD. O de más que no muchos vieron el post. Igual ya me concentré en intentar crear mi propio MOD. Vamos a ver como va.
  8. Hey guys. When creating one of my new civs I noted that whenever the file "achaeans_civil_centre.xml" located in simulation\templates\structures is renamed to "achaeans_civic_center.xml" or "achaeans_cc.xml", the game shows the next error: I can't figure out which XML or JSON file is requiring this "achaeans_civil_centre.xml". I haven't been able to find that name in any line of the other XMLs or JSONs from this civ. By the way, the reason why I want to change the name to "achaeans_civic_center.xml" or "achaeans_cc.xml" is to maintain consistency across all my files.
  9. @Lion.Kanzen @Trinketos Thank you guys. It's a shame. Current mini map and unit menu is so horrible! I would have loved to give it a look change.
  10. @Stan` @Nescio @Loki1950 Hi guys, I'm trying to modify some aspects of the UI and I was wondering if is it possible to hide the upper corners of the minimap with an alpha or something. Do you have any idea?
  11. @Stan` Would you help me please? I want to prevent the game from showing the default backgrounds at the beginning. I managed to make my background to appear, but I can't get rid of Vanilla's without getting errors.
  12. Hey guys, I successfully managed to create my new civ template! Now I'm trying to set up my starting buildings and units. I'm using Spartans from the SVN as my reference for folder structure and stuff. However, I noted that there are two XML files for civic center in the structures folder. Can I ask you why is it and which one should I use as a base template for setting up my starting civic center?
  13. I think It won't. If I remember correctly, the last time I used DAE instead of dae, meshes were not recognized. So I think I'll follow Stan advice. Thanks buddy. Well I kinda gave up on Vanilla. That's why I'm experimenting with my own MOD. I'll take a look at Aristeia and also check the standalone civ link.
  14. I already tried my buildings as actors in the Scenario Editor. Now I'd like to give a step further and start creating my new civ so I can try the buildings in a real gameplay. What would be the correct way to achieve this? Is there any tutorial covering the creation of a new civ? I don't want to feel I'm bothering you guys with questions that probably have already been answered. Thanks for your time.
  15. I recently created some building for a future MOD which won't include any of the current civilizations. One of these buildings is a large Minoan palace which will act as a civic center. So I was wondering what would be the best way to start testing them. Is it possible to test them as a new civ or should I use one of the current civs as starting point and just replace its building meshes with mines? These are my first steps into the moding area. I'd appreciate any help.
  16. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Are Persian walls fixed in this version? I got an error about missing texture every time I try to create walls with Persians in A23. Walls appear in player color with no texture applied.
  17. Do you know what version could be this "delenda_est_A23()"?
  18. What could be the reason for someone not being able to join my game if apparently we both have delenda est v.0.0.02 installed When he tries to join my games a message says he needs delenda_est_A23 0.0.02 cause his active version is delenda_est_A23(). However, he installed Delenda from the mod selection windows inside the game. And it appears as 0.0.02 in the installed mods windows.
  19. why not just make them green like the rest of the available matches? When players click on it a message could appear saying something like: You need to install xxxxxx mod to join this match. Would you like to install it?" Boom! that's all. It takes player to the Mod Selection windows and they can easily install it. But as it is right now, they won't even notice that grey match at the end of the list and much less will they know that mods even exist.
  20. Guys please, fix MOD matches always being at the end of the list in Multiplayer Lobby. It makes it really hard for people to even note them. And that without counting that they appear in dull grey color. Come on!
  21. For those who would like to play someday https://discord.gg/XxUzpUe
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