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Gurken Khan

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Posts posted by Gurken Khan

  1. 0ad-sft.jpg.b4161b32c6e287638e45d16722796b8b.jpg

    I took my 5 traders out of harms way for a moment, then told them to resume. 3 just stupidly went back to the market they were produced at, 1 went back to the "origin" market and 1 was at the parking position (not sure if I ordered that one to resume) and they all did jack diddley.

    Edit: Maybe I should mention that it was the Fortress map, which has several quirks; I wouldn't expect it to affect unit behavior, but what do I know. If someone felt like giving this map a work-over that would be great. (The placing of the starting buildings is still makeshift, the resulting village a mess; at least in a26 the decay was off: own buildings would decay if in allied territory; the res distribution is still very uneven, but since you get a lot of starting treasures I guess it's ok to fight for what you lack.)

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    The Pathfinder on ships is clunky than that of land-based units.

    Yeah, it sucks. Sure, naval vessels don't handle like a sports car, but ours are really, really stupid. Have you ever watched one being stuck ~forever on the corner of a dock?


    15 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    Garrison flags? 

    You know what I mean. Maybe "garrison flag" is the tt (and "occupied" is used for toilets).

  3. 0ad-embassysadnoflag.jpg.99aa4828b4302c06aeb8da7715d03e94.jpg

    Why don't embassies have occupied flags?


    Why don't ships cooperate with being repaired in the slightest? Had one maybe orientated a bit in the wrong direction and the guys that should've repaired it (and moved on) just stood there. Had to tell it again to move to the shore it was already at. Shoot I really hope with their overhaul those stupid mofus get less friggin stupid and less clunky overall.

  4. @Construktor1 Ein Weg das Territorium zu erweitern ist die Phasen II und III zu erreichen; ab p2 kann man auch neue Siedlungen errichten.

    Falls es weniger um eine flächige Expansion geht und mehr um den Zugang zu Resourcen kann man auch Schlangen von Gebäuden errichten bis man am Ziel ist.

    Weitere Fragen?

  5. Welcome to the forums.

    I don't know about your ceasefire question, but there are other ways to get into the game. When starting a match, by clicking the cog you can set the difficulty and behavior of the enemy. You can also slow down time.

    That should give you enough breathing room, but there's also guides on youtube and in other formats that can help you. Or just ask questions, I'm sure people will answer.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Grautvornix said:

    Would you refer to it as "zero A D" instead?

    Yeah, that's the only way I've heard it up to now. Dunno if it's spelt out somewhere "officially".

    Wouldn't be surprised if it flows better for a lot of people in their native language.

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