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Gurken Khan

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Posts posted by Gurken Khan

  1. 23 minutes ago, Norse_Harold said:

    I would guess

    I couldn't even guess. What I find interesting is that 1. the buildercounter for player 4 is "<0" (I would assume the lowest possible would be "=0") and 2. that there's a theater in the kush list.

  2. 7 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    Maybe it is related to upload units on the coast from the boat and they did not take into account testing to repair it.

    I don't know about that. Originally that guy was on land before I tried repairing, then boarding, then repairing again.

    (Later in that game a ship spat out two elite soldiers to an invalid spot on land where they were stuck without a chance to get them off it...)

  3. 30 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    Although I don't think that is the entire cause of the bug.

    Yeah, there's definitely something off. I guess something in their "AI" keeps them untouchable until something is to their satisfaction; what I find especially bewildering is that it's not consistent with interaction overall, since - as stated - my unit can enter it.

    I believe this problem was introduced somewhere along the way. Don't think repairing them was that @#&#036;%le in earlier versions, ships even moved towards units ordered to repair.

  4. 52 minutes ago, SKAcz said:

    Clicking by mouse now 30x on idle units

    Are you aware of the hotkeys that modify the selection and ordering around the units? Like holding "i" to select only idle units, [ctrl] to de-select from that group, [shift] to give a number of orders to be done consecutively, [ctrl]+[number]/[number] to form/select groups...

  5. 26 minutes ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    His conclusion was that 1 by 1 is most efficient by resources spent and earned by the units trained. However he didn't factor in that accumulating unspent resources is another cost of 1 by 1, at some point in real games (as opposed to a math scenario) it becomes considerably better to make batches of 2-10 so that you can spend resources faster. If you do this your bigger population will cause your eco score curve to be faster than someone doing 1 by 1 even if the 1 by 1 player is getting a better return on investment for each unit he makes.

    I don't get it. Cost of unspent res? Steeper eco score curve (if it is the case) is better than a higher ROI of units?

    But I won't lose any sleep if I go to bed dumb (without further explanation). ;)

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