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Obelix last won the day on May 8

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Sesquiplicarius (3/14)



  1. What's the purpose of your patch/mod? What does your patch change?
  2. After having an even more intense recherche, I just learned, that it isn't possible to switch and I have to 'ditch my svn copy' (@Itms): If someone found another way: Pls ping me!
  3. I have a very limited bandwidth right now. Is there a possibility to just update my clone from the latest svn r28209 to the latest nightly without having to checkout the whole data again? I am using Win 11 and when selecting the context menu of my folder C:\Users\JohnDoe\0ad_svn and navigating to TortoiseSVN > Switch... i can only switch to folders behind /public*. But I need https://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk. *https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/
  4. Thank you all for all the work! For the record: Blog article The git migration is on its way! on the website by @Stan` New thread Planned Disruption - Migration to git and Gitea
  5. I just updated my installation to r28121 (the current revision as of writing) and the error still occurs.
  6. Thanks again for sharing, @Obskiuras! For everyone else who wants to understand the context, see also:
  7. Thanks for sharing your ideas, @Obskiuras! For everybody else to understand better the context, see also:
  8. Is the kill rate currently already being recorded but not yet displayed? It sounds to me that this is not the case. How much RAM would this new function require? I also don't know how the game should deal with this new feature in terms of individual kill rate. Units gain experience points when they hit enemy units. Would every unit involved that hit the enemy unit in the last n seconds get this value or just one unit (which was maybe lucky enough to hit at last)?
  9. There is still some activity in following thread: Maybe keep an eye on following as well:
  10. Will-to-fight (attack_soldiers_will) has been deactivated for the Han civilization with r26516 after this complaint.
  11. For those who want to create a ticket for this problematized tooltip, it's based in line 30 of academy.xml. @Gurken Khan: There it is.
  12. Here's your ticket: #6920. Feel free to change what needs to be changed.
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