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Obelix last won the day on May 8 2024

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Sesquiplicarius (3/14)



  1. Hey Grautvornix, some two and a half years ago I had an usual experience when a competitor still wanted tribute from me for friendship even though I was defeated in the meanwhile. Maybe it's related:
  2. There is a ticket for that issue: #2516 (Expand rating system). We have several threads discussing multiplayer ratings e.g. etc.
  3. Related bug report: #2581 (Altitude bonus does not affect vision range)
  4. Clicking on 'fork' in the 0ad/0ad repo and choosing 'Fork Repository' (only main branch) was causing the following error two times: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request Reason: Error reading from remote server The third time it worked.
  5. Issue No. 4284 ([PATCH] Add a restart to main menu)
  6. By following the steps explained below, you should be able to open a report mentioned above: Sign in to Gitea; Surf to the 0ad repository; Switch to the 'Issues' tab; Click the button 'New Issue'; Choose 'Defect' and click the button 'Get Started' in the same line; Fill out the formular and click the button 'Create Issue'. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to aske them here as well.
  7. Hotkey for the selection of units by rank I read @Gurken Khan was happy with the solution to use autociv-mod for having a hotkey to select units by rank (see the thread linked below). As I found no corresponding ticket or discussion, I suggest implementing this feature in 0 A.D. main game. Maybe there are more supporters for this suggestion around to establish a proper thread. In the next step, there could be four buttons implemented for selecting each unit by rank 1, 2, 3 or selecting all (in other words: deselecting by rank). I have an unsued area of the gui between the mini map, the formation and the selection area in mind (see the annotated screenshot attached).
  8. Hi Alnur, thanks for your idea with us! I think it's noteworthy and I have some pro and contra arguments. But before sharing my thoughts I'd like to point the community on the following discussion, which happened more than two and a half years ago, when @Purgator_ had a similar idea and started a new topic about it. @Gurken Khan, @Lion.Kanzenand @LetswaveaBook took part in the discussion at the time.
  9. What's the purpose of your patch/mod? What does your patch change?
  10. After having an even more intense recherche, I just learned, that it isn't possible to switch and I have to 'ditch my svn copy' (@Itms): If someone found another way: Pls ping me!
  11. I have a very limited bandwidth right now. Is there a possibility to just update my clone from the latest svn r28209 to the latest nightly without having to checkout the whole data again? I am using Win 11 and when selecting the context menu of my folder C:\Users\JohnDoe\0ad_svn and navigating to TortoiseSVN > Switch... i can only switch to folders behind /public*. But I need https://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk. *https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/
  12. Thank you all for all the work! For the record: Blog article The git migration is on its way! on the website by @Stan` New thread Planned Disruption - Migration to git and Gitea
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