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Rolf Dew

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Posts posted by Rolf Dew

  1. 11 minutes ago, Astrid said:

    Yes Kim is amazing,and I learned my English by watching the Kardashians. I didn't need to take English in school to learn English because I learned it from the Kardashians. The teacher told me to open up my English book,and I just laughed and told her I already know this language so I will be excused,and the rest of you waste your time. :P Call me when we all graduate together. She inspired me bigtime :D Who is Frejya when you have Kim ? 

    I like Christians,as long as you believe in God I don't care what religion you are. I have Christian friends as I have pagan friends,and we just don't discuss our religion when we are together because it would turn out lol You know.

    I just ignore the arrogance because they are just a waste of time,and there are plenty of good people than to bother with the snobby.Have fun,and smile :D Even in Norway Norwegians make fun of other's dialects. My dialect sounds more German than someone from Oslo so people from Oslo have this joke about how we sound. Yes WW2,you know what I mean lol   Oslo people sound like muppets lol They make fun of my accent so back to them. I don't go out of my way to make fun of people but disrespect goes both ways lol 

    Yes people in the rural are way nicer

    Yeah I know what you mean, accents can be made fun of! Oh btw, my family can only speak english and afrikaans, same with my grandparents ect.

  2. @Astrid Yes I agree with you completely! I am a mix of cultures, on my mother side, I have Persian (My ancestors left before Islam took over, they were Zoroasters), the red hair and white complexion come from them.  My mum's mother is light browned haired (she was born a red head) and pale skinned, grand dad was also red haired and pale and her grandmother was blue eyed and red haired. So I have no idea what part of Persia they were from lol. My mother's father was an indian. My dad's side is also mixed too, his mum was blond haired, blue eyed and nordic complexioned, his dad was a light skinned indian, I am not sure where my dad's  mother was from. We suspect that we are mixed with european somewhere up the line. Yeah so my dad is blue eyed, light brown haired and like a german complexion, my mum is more olive skinned, with reddish blond hair, with some brown also. My sister and I are dark brunettes, with brown eyes and white skinned, like in between olive and white skinned. It is kind of weird, we get mistaken for europeans all the time, my dad is generally mistaken for an afrikaner or germanic originated person, my mum for a southern european and my sister and I have been mistaken for different types of Europeans too. Yeah it is weird.

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  3. @Astrid haha I did not know that Kim was your role model! It is good to hear that some Norwegian girls are modest! Yes I know what you mean, sometimes it is better to not have a label attached  to you. I'm a Christian, but most of the girls I meet are Christians too (although not all are Christians), but they are still very materialistic and shallow sadly, some are pretty modest but still shallow, of course not everyone is like that. True here also, the girls in the farms and smaller areas are more friendly and down to earth.

  4. @Astrid Where I live, we have a lot of those mall loving, more materialistic type of girls, a lot also only care about looks too. Most of the girls I know in my area are either English origin or German origin. The English origin one's tend to be very liberal, arrogant and materialistic, the German one's I know are very conservative, as for Afrikaans girls, I don't know many here, but the one's I met elsewhere seem more old fashioned and friendly. As for other race girls, well I don't really know much about them, but those I do know, are generally extremely liberal, pro feminism and the complete opposite of everything I value. Although due to my appearance (as I mentioned before, I have rather dark hair and eyes), I am mostly mistaken for a foreigner, especially a European of some sort, most think I have come directly from either somewhere in Europe or elsewhere, so it is odd.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Astrid said:

    Anytime  :D Two reasons why people don't get along is money and power. Gods have the power,and we are just his children so we should follow what the gods want,and trust them because they know what is right,and we have no privilege to have the power. Stop being so cynical and arrogant,and life would get better !  Money ? I don't really care about it,as long as I can afford to do the simpleist things in life. I am happy to be a farmer,live in a little cottage by the fjord,and see my Norway's beautiful nature. I wouldn't trade my life for anything. People should be happy what they have,and work with what they have. 

    True, Religion and Money do cause a lot of conflict.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Astrid said:

    Also I forgot to add because I talk so much lol Topics are so interesting aren't they ? About Norwegian girls, well you have your arrogant/mall loving/hair extension/bad makeup wearing snobs that only care about man for his money,or if he is a professional football player and you have your nature loving,happy girls that love a man for his character/strength. Women in Oslo are more snobby than a girl in Bergen lol

    It is nice to hear that Norway has some normal girls still :)

  7. 19 minutes ago, Astrid said:

    Yes I heard about what is going on with the Boers in South Africa,especially Orania,and it makes me sad. I wish the best for them,and I include them in my prayers everyday to the gods. {my faith is odinism} People need to just get along,and understand we are the same humans. Have fun,and live life happy because life is too shourt. Smile :D

    Also you stay safe,and I think it will get better.

    Yes it is really sad, you are right, we all need to get along! Thanks for the kind wishes I really appreciate them!

  8. 1 hour ago, macemen said:

    Wow this topic drifted way to the side. Nice to see there are people from all around the globe here and also that there are ladies playing 0 A.D. as well. Been trying to get my wife interested in 0 A.D. but to no avail so far. :)

    Haha true this topic has really drifted! Exactly, sad to hear about your wife, maybe one day lol.

  9. @Astrid yeah sadly a lot of guys have no idea when it comes to treating a girl equally and worshipping them lol. Guys and girls will always be different and have gender roles, but equality can be achieved without switching roles completely. Being equal doesn't mean one has to hate everything about their gender lol. Yeah that is true, I also never really noticed my sister's hair that much growing up. Haha I know what you mean about the accents, the aussie accent is great! The South African english accent is like a posher sounding version of the Australian accent really. Other accents in South Africa are quite different :) . Nice, so he is a Norwegian Australian! 

    It is nice to hear that most Norwegian girls are still traditional :) .

  10. @Sundiata Yeah it is really turning into a mess all over the world, it seems like violence in increasing everywhere, which is really sad. Indeed the Wildfire community is amazing, filled with wonderful and interesting people.

    Crime is pretty bad in South Africa depending on where you live.

    It seems living on a farm is dangerous nowadays too, we've had a fair share of crime too. 

    Although murder and rape is extremely common in some parts of the country, especially in the poorer areas and the suburbs. Which is real sad.

    We even have land invasions, some guys come and squat on farms or other properties and build townships there. 

    Rural areas are a bit more peaceful though. 

    In South Africa there is too much politics and it affects the country very badly.

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  11. 57 minutes ago, Astrid said:

    My hair is a golden colour but in the summer it gets this lemon colour,,and gets very light blonde. When I was a little girl I had white hair as most Northern European children do lol I wish I can have that colour back. My hair is poker straight and thick,and the texture is very silky so it is very shiny. I usually part my hair in the middle but lately I have it to the side because it's better to switch parts every so often to keep it healthy and thick but eventually I will go back to the center part than switch again. As in nice ? heh I keep it trimmed right at the top of my feet,and when there is a split I trim it to prevent getting worse which no one even notices I have splits. I mostly comb my hair over brushing because combing is healthier and less strain to cause breakage. I am cautious with where I put my hair when I sit down or what my hair is around to prevent accidents or breakage. When I go to bed I wear a braid to prevent tangles {also you get a free wave of braid waves so you can have nice wavy hair temporarily},and I put it in the front of my body so I don't pull on it when I roll over lol 

    When we go to Norwegian pride events my long hair looks amazing in my bunad lol As I mentioned I am the girl with the longest hair. I look more traditional than most the girls. Life is great ! :D

    It is really sweet to hear that you and your husband still have a normal married couple relationship, I have heard that feminism  is pushed to the extreme in most of the Scandanavian countries. I can imagine that getting your hair wet can be a big problem, my sister when she was younger, used to fall asleep when my mum blow dried her hair, because it took forever to get dry :) . Your mum sounds like a great person, it's nice that you and your husband have such a great relationship and similiar hobbies! Do you guys speak English and Norsk at home?

  12. 5 hours ago, Astrid said:


    I hope she does grow her hair back because it sounds beautiful,especially the colour. I can imagine how shocked people are when they saw her hair in all it's full glory. I get so many looks from good to bad,and it's funny how many women want to touch my hair and guys want to brush it. I had a man ask to brush my hair for many krones lol He wanted me to come over to his flat and have my hair brushed by him lol He wasn't a creep or strange he was just fascinated by the beauty of my hair. After this incident I started to wear my hair up in public so I can hide it from strangers lol I get nothing done when I go to KIWI for food, and instead I am answering questions about my hair,and I put an end to the questions. 

    2 years ago I had my hair dragging the floor by a bit but I had to trim it because no matter how interesting,and unique it was I still couldn't take stepping on it when I wore high boots or heels.I wanted my braid exactly to my lower ankles as the length I have it now so I grew my hair extra long so my braid can be so my much longer. I love a beautiful lengthy braid, and the longer the better. After tripping over it and almost spraining my ankle I had to take it off the floor lol Now my braid is to my upper ankles and that is good enough. I do love feeling like a goddess with my long long hair,and people treat me like one but than you have the trendy mums and women that think my hair is absurd lol Let them,I am the one getting the looks. Now that crime is getting bad in Bergen or especially Oslo I am scared someone might cut my hair to sell. I am trying to prevent that. Even though I live on the fjord,and way in the country I don't want to risk. You can get a lot of money for hair,especially my length. No way ! No thanks

    Yes men look better with short hair,and I love an undercut or shaved head with a beard on a man,especially with /muscles tattoos.I never really liked the pretty boy look,more the rugged nature man/Viking type lol 

    It's sad to hear about the increase in crime, yeah it is better to be safe than sorry. It sounds like your hair looks great! Haha so you like a real manly man, I can imagine what your husband looks like now. Unfortunately, some people don't know when to mind their own bussiness. It must draw a lot of attention when you and your mother and sisters go somewhere together. 

  13. 7 hours ago, Astrid said:


    I am trying to inspire girls in Norway not to cut their hair :D I want to bring very long hair back in style. My grandma has hair to her knees,my mum has hair to her calves,my sister Viktoria has hair to her ankles,and my sister Silje has hair to her upper thighs {she thinks that is enough for long hair lol},and no we are not Christians or menonites lol My grandma started the long hair,and we are continuing the tradition. My grandma always thought very long hair was the only way a girl should wear her hair,and plus we are fjord folk so we love to go by old traditions. No I don't wear an ankle length dress or dress old fashioned heh I am a t shirts/jeans/leather girl lol A total fanatic of black metal music.

    Perhaps your sister will grow her hair back one day. I always believed a girl will return to the long hairs after a big cut. Sounds like it was so beautiful. I been pressured a lot to cut my hair after people see my length {especially when I wear a braid},and they usually ask "why don't you donate your hair or you would be prettier with a modern haircut",and I just smile and reply back "why don't you grow your hair very long,you can be prettier". I am not shallow or judge people by looks but sometimes you have to put people in their places that are ignorant.

    :P Yes I been told a lot I can be a Valkyrie {My avat is a Valkyrie} or yes a shield maiden or a saxon princess lol I am into fitness,hiking,martial arts and HEMA so I love to take care of myself,eat healthy and am always active,and gracing the forests,the mountains,the fjords and anywhere that is beautiful :D


    Yeah maybe one day she will regrow it :) . Yes it was quite pretty, she loved it. She used to always get shocked looks or people asking her, "wow you have very long hair!" My sister was the only person I knew with hair way pass her knees, it is pretty uncommon in my family (and extended family) and even where I grew up. Once she grew it almost down to her ankles, but she was rather small then and my mum trimmed it a bit. She also wore her hair tied up in public mostly, especially since we used to cycle and swim a lot as kids.  My mum loved for my sister to grow long hair, but sadly my mum's hair could never grow very long, it grew very slowly (although my mum has such an interesting hair color, it has streaks of blond (kind of a golden color), red and brown hair! My sister has some red streaks too, my grandmother was a red head as a baby and red hair was pretty common in my mum's family). My hair grows very fast and thick like my sister's, so I have to have hair cuts pretty often lol. My sister has wavy hair, so it looked like a flowing mane when it was long.

  14. 13 hours ago, Astrid said:

    Yes Afrikaners are beautiful people,and yes they are very tall,as a lot of dutch are :D For a Scandinavian I am only 167 meters but I did get long legs so I can't complain There are girls here that are giants,and make me look small.

    Yes blue eyes Is so common here in Norway but some even have brown eyes. You won't believe it but there are some Norwegians with dark eyes and dark hair,and this is because of when the Germans settled Norway,and gave us the Bavarian genes

    Yes they are, for the most part :) . My dad was a bit short, so I am only 175 cm, one can feel real small around some of the larger Afrikaners and germans. My sister also grew her hair long (past her knees) until her late teens, then she cut it. Nice, so you must look like a real valkryie!  

  15. Nice, you have dreadlocks! Yes genes are very interesting! Where is your dad from if I may ask?

    17 hours ago, Sundiata said:

    Ha, I also have "meters" of hair, but it's nothing like Rapunzel, lol... More like something in between Ziggy and Damian Marley :P 


    I am an English and Dutch speaker. I can understand Afrikaans a little bit. It sounds like a thick accent, or a dialect of Dutch. But there are always a some mystery words making it difficult to understand the details.


    My mom is actually Belgian/German/Polish, with a bit of a "Nordic", actually Germanic, look (blond hair, blue eyes). I definitely don't have that Nordic/Germanic look though, lol! My sister and her Haitian fiancée (also West African and West European ancestry) have a one year old boy, with pretty African looking features and and a soft afro, but he's relatively light-skinned, his hair is blond and he has blue eyes, like my mom! Their next kid might be as dark as Shaka Zulu, who knows. When mixed people have kids together, they can go any direction. Genes are pretty cool...


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  16. On 9/4/2018 at 5:15 PM, Astrid said:

    South Africa is so beautiful ! I been called a South African boer girl  lol I guess Norwegians look like the dutch as we are mostly blonde hair with blue eyes {well not all}. Are you dutch ? 

    Yeah a lot of the afrikaners (mostly dutch and german  originated people) are nordic looking and tall too! Yes it is really beautiful here, I have heard that Norway is amazing! I am not dutch or afrikaans, I am an english speaker, but I can speak Afrikaans and understand dutch. Yeah most of the European originated people here have a nordic look (including the british originated people),  although a fair amount of people are not nordic looking too. My dad has blue eyes, but brownish hair, my mum has brownish/blond hair and brown eyes, my sister and I both have brown eyes (we had green when we were babies though)  and dark brown hair lol. Blue eyes is pretty common here, especially amongst afrikaners and british origin people. We have a fair amount of german origin people where I live and I know one or two norwegian origin people too.


    On 9/4/2018 at 11:00 AM, Sundiata said:

    We need details! What kind of farm? Any pictures? 

    Maybe we should make this into a "farms around the world" topic :P 

    I will definitely take some pictures when I get a chance :) . We farm fruit mostly, avocados, dragonfruit, blueberries and more 

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  18. I would love if there was a feature, where when a citizen soldier is used to gather resources, then he would become just a regular unarmed villager. There should be like a armory building, where unarmed male villagers can go to, to turn into soldiers, there should be like a raid bell or something similar, so that when an attack happens, these unarmed citizens can become citizen soldiers. I believe in this way, raids can still be feasible, as citizen soldiers would be vulnerable to raiders when they are used as workers and this is also historically accurate, as citizen soldiers did not carry their weapons and armors at all times. This could be like a conscription idea, where male (and female in certain factions) villagers can become miltia or basic citizen soldiers when it is times of war.

    I hope I was clear in explaining this concept.

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