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HMS-Surprise last won the day on September 27 2019

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  1. Hi guys, Thank you all to be a part of this. 0 A.D. has a great community. SPG 1v1 Tournament is finished. Today, we proudly announce our Champion. Congrats @Stockfish. Special thanks, @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @psypherium Wycombe and all other participants. You can check the first post for the replays, brackets, commentaries and the final leaderboard. Have fun! @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx @ffm2 @andy_beauty @King_Soly @Ammaz @carthage *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
  2. man you cannot receive any messages somehow. I just wanna let you know that the bracket is ready. have fun.
  3. Hi guys, You can sign up for Final Week-04. After this week, there might be a 5th week depends on the equality of the points. Have fun! @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx @ffm2 @andy_beauty @King_Soly @Ammaz @carthage @AltosLagos *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
  4. Hi guys, You can sign up for Week-03. Have fun! @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx @ffm2 @andy_beauty @King_Soly @Ammaz @carthage @AltosLagos *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
  5. Could you check the replays please? The file ends with 0010 belongs to you vs hannibal barca. the file ends with 0011belongs to valihrant vs pudim.
  6. 1-In the Week 0, we didn't keep scores. It was for learning the rules and getting used to the tourney. 2-Sure you can. Let me work on this. I'll work on this. It was an interesting match actually.
  7. I know. We've tried it but it didn't work. I think he needs to forward the ports. Also, people love to watch these 1v1 matches. These tourney is for all of us.
  8. Let's test your ip hosting. If there won't be a problem I think you can play in the tournament.
  9. Hi guys, You can sign up for Week-01. Have fun! @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx @ffm2 @andy_beauty @King_Soly @Ammaz @carthage @AltosLagos *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
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