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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. I'd quite like to take back pieces of the modern world to people who worked on the ideas behind them in the past, and seeing what they thought of them - things like showing Fermat a modern calculator, DaVinci an aircraft, Verne the space shuttle and so on. Right up to about 40 years ago to talk to people then about the 'future'. On purely economic grounds, I'd also make sure I got a share of the profits of every innovation of the past thousand years
  2. To play or watch? If play, then - of all things - Table Tennis.
  3. My average posts per day just went above '1' for the first time.
  4. OK, one from me: "I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don't know into what religion yet." - David Beckham
  5. Media (esp. Hollywood) representation of technology and those like us who use it.
  6. 'Spooks' is the one I watch at present. I believe it's titled 'MI-5' in the US.
  7. If you pay $15 plus $9/month for the server, then they let you register a top-level domain for free. I've seen better deals.
  8. 'The Fellowship of the Ring', 'Northern Lights' and 'Pride and Prejudice' (blame the BBC... I'm trying to decide which one to vote for as the nation's favourite book), also CLR's 'Introduction to Algorithms'.
  9. The wondrous county of Bedfordshire, England. About 50 miles from Greater London.
  10. Yeah, I like this idea. I've often wondered what would happen if someone tried to do this over the entire net. One massively overloaded server, probably. But the results could be truly fascinating nevertheless.
  11. Turn-based strat? RPG? Neither of these on the list? Oh well. I play RTS, of course, those two, and sim games.
  12. Hmm. Would have to say Civilization II, maybe Alpha Centauri. I'm much better at turn-based games than RTS; I think it's because there's always something I forget to do in the middle of a massive, fast-paced, real-time battle. ( e.g. Oops. I was certain I'd built a Barracks this time... )
  13. My aunt worked in the trade (tech support) and we got a hold of one of the early laptops (Toshiba, orange monochrome screen...); shortly thereafter I started programming... that'd be about 11-12 years ago now.
  14. Well... UK television doesn't show The Brady Bunch much. It took me a while to catch that. On the other hand, I found the source of this article (one source anyway) by google-searching the title. If you have time, you might want to go and read the comments. Consider having a stiff drink first, however.
  15. I plan to become a games programmer, if I can. I'm thinking Wildfire with an office. Failing that, I'd also quite like to end up doing computer/AI research at a university.
  16. Bah. Halloween, maybe - but All Hallow's Eve is a Christian holiday all over the planet. I couldn't let that one stand.
  17. Agreed, excellent job! All hail: Tim, Master of the Forum!
  18. Hmm. Interesting. I'm told I'm related to Captain Cook. It might even be true.
  19. I like RTSes with a quality environment - music, art and so on... But, more than that, the thing that makes a good game great is a storyline - if it's something decently epic (eh, well... that's the Homeworld series, and Total Annihilation felt epic but didn't really use the story beyond the intro)
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