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Everything posted by balduin

  1. @Loki1950 Do you have a GitHub or Trac repository, so I can report bugs into you bug tracking system. Bug tracking systems are just more convenient to for developers to keep track of issues, compared to forum posts.
  2. @Loki1950 thank you. But please use either JS or JavaScript and not java script. Java is a complete different programming language. I am pretty sure you are well aware of that, but it is easier for newbies, artists and general gamer if you use the correct term.
  3. The dying sound of the peacock, a new farm animal for the Mauryan fraction, is extremely loud and really annoying. It would be nice if you could reduce the sound volume for the peacock significantly. The rest of the sounds are well tuned.
  4. I would like to copy and past the errors from an error log file. Does 0 A.D. and/or Delenta Est have an error log file?
  5. @Lion.Kanzen Don't you have a GitHub or Trac repository where you can create issues? I would prefer that.
  6. How and where to report bugs, issues and problems related to Millennium A.D.?
  7. The mod name in game is Millennium A.D. But the name of this forum is 1,000 A.D. took me a moment to realize that the 1,000 A.D. forum is about the Millennium A.D. mod. I would be happy if you could change the forum name.
  8. How and where to report bugs, problems and issues for Delenda Est?
  9. The fourth step would be to create a playable version of the mod. By simply reusing all needed buildings and units from other civilization, and maybe I am wrong with that. After that I would start to rename them, which requires researching the names. And then try to balance them as own civilization, which requires testing. In the next months I would try to replace all the copied placeholder units and buildings with real Kingdom of Kush one, starting with the Nubian Bowmen. Replacing the units requires artists. You should see the steps more like phases instead of clearly separated steps. However, it is easy to explain the software development with this "Waterfall Model". I also wanted to demonstrate, that a lot of work in the mod development does not require artistic and or development skills at all. A clear vision *, research, communication skills and persistence ** are needed to keep such a project moving forward. * which you have ** because the development of this mod will take months and even then somebody has to maintain it.
  10. Third step, after you made your vision available as specification you can start to connect to artists and developers. Ask them to help you with the mod or a specific part of it.
  11. My second step would be to create a new subforum for your mod and maintain it. I would also create a new entry in Moddb about your mod with title description and updates. Update it at least every 6-9 months, so that people should see that the mod has a maintainer and somebody who cares about it.
  12. Developing a new mod requires vision, research and persistence. The hardest part about a Kushid mod from my perspective is the literature, images etc. There is not a lot available, which means somebody has to research it and make it available to the 0 A.D. community. @Sundiata you did already an awesome job in that. As far as I got it from your post a possible implementation could look like: buildings: temple: you have posted many images about the temple, that should be easy for artists to model it. civic center: how should the civic center look like? storage depot: how should it look like? which house would you like to take? fig: 15b or 15e? maybe using the double house 15b with a population capacity of 20 -> one of there specialties blacksmith: how should the blacksmith look like? fields: what is about there agriculture? farm: what animals did they breed? market place: how should it look like? trader: did they use camels? dock, naval buildings? how should a fortress look like? maybe they should have a stable -> good with horses and camels? what is about the fortress? How should they look like? towers and walls. How should they look like? wonder? units: civic center: basic units -> woman workers, the spear guy with the cotton protection (fig: 20), horse? garrison/barrack: archer maybe with near combat bonus, because of dagger (fig: 25d-1), and maybe axe warrior? stable: horse archers, spear horses (fig: 25g), camel units?, chariots? (fig: 1) mercenaries: Ptolemaic cavalery (fig: 25e), Sudanese tribal warrior (fig 25d-2) siege wapons? Did they had some? What did they use? special units: nubien bowman (fig: 25c), spear men? (shown in 6a.) heros and threir capabilities? specialties: Iron production (they should have a bonus tech) Archers can shoot poisoned arrows However, there are some open questions about towers and walls? How did they use them, just to protect them from nomadic invaders or have they been very good at building walls and towers? What is about there agriculture? Any specialties, besides the iron production? What is about ships and boats? Have they bean good or bad in naval combat? The first step, for me as software developer would be, to research more and try to answer the open questions. It does not have to be perfect, but should be detailed enough to start the development. I would constantly put all the information you collected into a repository. This way you can share it with the 0 A.D. community. The repository could be on Github, because there is already a repo called 0ADMods (https://github.com/0ADMods). I am pretty sure the developer and maintainer of 0AD are willing to help you with it. I would be willing to help you with the specification and the repo stuff. However, I am not a 0 A.D. developer.
  13. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Is the fire effect applicable to other things like burning arrows/javelins or siege weapons? Or is it just an animation?
  14. 0 A.D. is getting more and more stable with every release, which is nice. But on the other hand there are less groundbreaking features in every release. For that reason more and more mods are being developed by different members and subgroups of 0 A.D. Most of the mods can be installed by downloading the mods and unzipping it in the right folder. The mods can than be activated in the 0 A.D. mod manager. Yes, it is awesome 0 A.D. has already a graphical mod manager. However, finding information about the mods is not easy and installing/updating them manually for each new release of 0 A.D. (approx. every 6-9 months) is not something everybody can do easily. Therefor it would be nice to be able to install available mods for the current release through the mod manager. There is already a repo with mods: https://github.com/0ADMods most mods have a moddb page: Rise of the East: http://www.moddb.com/mods/rote Delenda Est: http://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-delenda-est Millenium A.D.: http://www.moddb.com/mods/millennium-ad Ponies Ascendant: http://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-ponies-ascendant Aristeia: Civilization Bronze Pack: http://www.moddb.com/mods/aristeia-civilization-bronze-pack and the upcoming new mod: Oniversalis: Age of Exploration: http://www.moddb.com/mods/oniversalis-age-of-exploration
  15. Even though the core development team is not adding new civs, there is always the possibility to create a mod (extension) for the game. There is for example a mod which adds the Chinese Han dynasty to the game: http://www.moddb.com/mods/rote I am pretty sure you can find artists and developers who are willing to contribute to such a mod. Even in case you are not a developer or artist there is a lot you can do to initialize and maintain such a mod.
  16. @Rufy I normally set the attack behavior of all close combat units to defensive and all long range (e. g. archers) to the double shield option (I guess is is called "guard" something like that). After, that my close combat units will not chase after enemies or split up and the long range units will shoot everything which is in their range, but will not leave their position to chase after enemies. You can then destroy all the buildings with sieges or war elephants.
  17. This would also mean a duplication of functionality, which is not a good design both from an usability & user experience as well as software development perspective. I think the best would be do redesign the whole menu.
  18. The current start game screen allows you to adjust settings fast by staying in the same window. The proposed choose fraction model window (popup) could change that and make the setting process of the start screen more lengthy, which could negatively affect the usability and user experience. However, being able to select by name and icon (shields) + the history information box is an big improvement for the usability and user experience.
  19. I like the idea to choose randomly from a "preselected set". It is a great idea. You are right, mixing my "random unique" idea the the "random from a preseletected set" idea would crate conflicts. That is exactly the reason why I would not mix them. Instead I would offer "Random", "Random unique" and "Random from a preselected set". If you select "Random unique" the computer selects civics which are not already in the selected civic pool. This would always work, because the largest maps allow up to 6 players but there are 12 civics to choose from. Let me explain the motivation I have regarding each option: "Random" - I have no idea what I want just select one and let my start the game "Random unique" - I selected my civic, but I want to have any opponent "Random from preseletected set" - I know which category I want to play against, but I can not decide which one of them to play.
  20. 0 A.D. allows to let you play against a "Random" or a specific civilization. The "Random" option selects a enemy civilization (or your own), but you can ending up playing against the same civilization. It would be nice to have an option which allows to select "Random" civilization to play against which is not already selected by any other party. The goal is to have only "Unique" civics in a round. The option should maybe be called "Unique" or "Unique Random".
  21. @FeXoR In this case I misunderstood the problem. However, what is so different besides using SVN and Git for large files? I mean yes, small changes on big binary files require to rewrite the files and create a lot of traffic, but how is SVN different or more efficient?
  22. Have you thought about using Git Large File Storage (Git LFS): https://git-lfs.github.com/.
  23. Civ. center or marketplace would be an option. I tend to prefer marketplace, because you can already research Cartography in it.
  24. Is there any news or anything one could do to help to make the transition from SVN to Git possible?
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