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The Prophet

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Everything posted by The Prophet

  1. I got that from a translator thats why....Useless translator!
  2. So....Tim whats your goal....5,000?.....6,000?? (Keep up the good work DA! ) 135 for me...
  3. Guten tag! Jawohl, lasst uns anfangen Wie heißt du? Ich heiße Shaheen. Wo wohnen Sie? Ich wohne in die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Was sind Sie? Ich will nach Deutschland bald gehen. (Is this correct?) Auf Wiedersehen! ( What do ya think?? ) BTW DA you have to teach me more deutsche.Bitte?
  4. I don’t think anyone Really knows this just by common knowledge so I ask are we able to look these answers up or.... should I just guess??
  5. "If you have a great job, i nice car and a nice house, i nice and beautiful wife." -ZeZar Yea, that sounds right... Until then it means good grades,good UC, etc.
  6. Its ok Aldaron well get to 500 posts together . *Looks at his posts....* ...WoW... no worrys well get there....One day....
  7. Sounds good to me! *Let me know if you guys need any help *
  8. Yes, I do have a new year's resolution...To become microsoft certified. No, I dont think I had a new year's resolution last year and if I did I forgot it lol.. Windows Xp Rocks!!
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