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Everything posted by Nescio

  1. Unfortunately there is no consistency in the art folder; `cc`, `civic_center`, `civic_centre`, and `civil_centre` are all used; if you create new art files, I'd recommend using `civic_center`. [EDIT]: Hopefully someone more skilled in the art folder will eventually standardize all centre file names to `civic_center`. In the simulation and maps folders the file name used for all civilizations everywhere is `civil_centre`; that is actually a violation of US English, though not the only one (e.g. blacksmith; theatron). @Basshunter, https://github.com/0ADMods/thracians is an example of a mod that introduces a new civilization. You might want to have a look at it to see what you need to do.
  2. Currently we have a visible "Citizen" class that isn't really used. The non-visible "CitizenSoldier" class is used, but all entities that have it also have the "Citizen" (and "Soldier") class. To me it seems we have two classes for the same thing, which seems superfluous and likely to add to confusion. Yes, I agree CitizenSoldier→Citizen would be better, but that would involve checking and changing more files; instead D2200 (Citizen→CitizenSoldier) is intended to be a quick fix, removing the one exception for consistency. CitizenSoldier→Citizen could be done later. Yes, in gui/session/sessions.js line 185: var g_WorkerTypes = ["FemaleCitizen", "Trader", "FishingBoat", "CitizenSoldier"]; I didn't find other occurrences with grep in the gui/ folder. Don't worry, I appreciate your feedback!
  3. Economic auras and technologies typically affect the Worker class and others affect the CitizenSoldier class. This ought to be reflected in the aura descriptions and technology tooltips. Basically, the current situation seems to be: Workers are units that can build and gather all resources (hence not cavalry) CitizenSoldiers are soldiers that are neither champions nor heroes I just did a `grep -r 'Citizen"'` in the simulation folder and it turns out the Citizen isn't actually used (except for one aura where it should have been CitizenSoldier [EDIT]: D2200). I suppose the Citizen class simply exists as a visible counterpart to CitizenSoldier and FemaleCitizen. A more logical approach would be to: remove the Citizen class from the female citizen replace the CitizenSoldier class with the Citizen class split the Worker class into Builder and Gatherer visible classes; e.g. the worker elephant can build but not gather, and units that can gather but not build are not inconceivable either. [EDIT]: That would involve carefully going through the AI files, though.
  4. That looks nice! Would it be possible for archers to switch animations? E.g. use: 45° angle when attacking targets at >50% of max range horizontal when attacking targets at <50% of max range
  5. 0abc updated, six new selection shapes: melee infantry: 128×128 circle (unchanged) melee camel, cavalry, elephant: 128×256 ellipse (new) ranged: pentagon (new) woman, slave, fishing boat: hexagon (new) trader, merchant ship: rhombus plus: healer (unchanged) star: hero (unchanged) rounded rectangle: catafalque (new) also new but unused: octagon, dodecagon
  6. Worker affects only units with the `Worker` class and Citizen affects only units with the `Citizen` class; both are visible classes. Then there are also the non-visible `CitizenSoldier` and `FemaleCitizen` classes. Different unit types can have different classes, e.g.: `template_unit_cavalry.xml`: CitizenSoldier; Citizen `template_unit_infantry.xml`: CitizenSoldier; Citizen, Worker `template_unit_support_female_citizen.xml`: FemaleCitizen; Citizen, Worker `template_unit_support_slave.xml`: Slave, Worker
  7. That sounds indeed perfect for the figure-of-eight shield! However, goat-skin is more appropiate for the pelte.
  8. The shield is called πέλτη peltē (hence peltast) and its primary characteristic was that it's rimless (i.e. no metal edge). It could be round as well.
  9. That looks promising! To summarize what I'd like to have (yes, the list has grown): twelve Roman numerals: i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xii six melee weapons: pike, spear, gladius/xiphos/sword, falcata/kopis/sabre, sagaris/axe, mace six ranged weapons: javelin, bow-and-arrow, crossbow, sling, staff sling, throwing axe six unit categories: infantry, cavalry, camelry, chariotry, elephantry, artillery (maybe chess-like?) six resources: bricks, charcoal, cheese, fish (cursor), fruit (olives?), time (clock) PNG, 128×128 pixels, transparent background.
  10. Why treat hoplites different from spearmen?
  11. It would also be nice to have the Roman numerals from the phase icons (i, ii, iii, iv) with a transparent background.
  12. Let's keep it simple, heroes and champions two, elite and advanced one, basic zero. Also for cart, mace, ptol, sele.
  13. You can also look up answers yourself by opening the appropiate files on your computer or browse the aura files located at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/auras
  14. Yeah, I agree it can make it easier to identify unit types and it's worth trying it out; but to do so, I first need appropiate icons for all weapon types (currently ten in my mod). [EDIT]: In game it would look like this: It could probably be clearer.
  15. Pottery-like drawings won't happen, but my current idea is to overlay weapon icons on top of the unit portrait, e.g.
  16. Melee weapons, to be orientated from bottom-left to top-right (similar to spear and sword): sarissa/pike: falcata/kopis/sabre: sagaris/axe: mace: Ranged weapons, to be orientated from bottom-right to top-left: javelin: crossbow: sling: fustibalus/staff sling: francisca/throwing axe:
  17. Thanks, I appreciate your help! There are only a few useful portraits in the svn repository: structures/range.png technologies/horseshoe_metal.png technologies/laurel_wreath.png technologies/spear.png technologies/sword.png The others would have to be created from scratch. Take your time, there is no rush.
  18. That's quick! Yes, png files. The technology and structure portraits have a background, so I can't use those; I don't know if it's possible to render them without, my graphical skills are rather limited. Basically what I want is weapon icons with transparent background, similar to e.g. resource icons, e.g.
  19. Exactly. The reason I moved the civilization emblem to the top right is because it doesn't obscure anything else there. Top centre it conflicts with resources, top left with catafalque/hero/wonder panels, bottom centre with the minimap. Thanks, I'll try to reproduce and solve it. Indeed, once one resource turns negative, you can't spend any resource on anything anymore, until all amounts are positive again. The reason is I've been making changes to all unit rosters; if one (ptol) doesn't have village phase cavalry at the moment, it's because I haven't decided what would be most appropiate. My mod is a work-in-progress. Oh, you mean the unit portraits. Yes, I standardized those a couple of months ago ( https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22779-0abc-mod/page/9/&tab=comments#comment-369147 ) so every actor has a corresponding icon. Those probably should have been cropped. Alternatively, it might be better (and easier) to overlay a weapon icon on top of the unit portraits, similar to the rank chevrons. @Lion.Kanzen, you made the archery range icon, didn't you? Do you think you could get me images with transparent background for the following? javelin, bow-and-arrow, crossbow, sling pike, spear, sword (gladius/xiphos), sabre (falcata/kopis), axe (sagaris), mace aspis, peltê, thureos horseshoe, horse head, dromedary camel head, elephant head ()
  20. That's actually a nice idea; perhaps Ctrl+M, similar to the Ctrl+B barter and trade panel. @elexis, how difficult would it be to implement that?
  21. It depends on the aura. By default they affect only their own, but there are several exceptions which affect allies or enemies instead. You can do a `grep -ir affectedplayers` inside simulation/data/auras/ to find those files. And modification do stack. +20% and +15% is 1.2×1.15=1.38, i.e. +38%, not +35%. It's called multiplication (like compound interest).
  22. Thanks, that makes sense. In that case it shouldn't be too hard to remove greaves from a few dozen textures, should it?
  23. Speaking of which, how many skin tones are there in 0 A.D. actually? And wouldn't it be better to draw skin textures seperatedly from clothing etc.?
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