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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. you are modify my mod or is terra mangna?
  2. Bridge building like empire earth 2 no se que mas proponer
  3. Dont forget the usa genocide agains the siux, and europe genocide agians the amerindian and the guatemalan genocide against the maya-quiche cuando regrese de mis vacaciones hare props para los mexicas, y terminare el templo mayor
  4. Lo subi desde hace rato https://github.com/0ADMods/Pre-Colonial-Mod Maybe someone wants to try the mod if it has an error, in my pc it works
  5. I having problems whit TM mod but my mod works in my pc
  6. vere que puedo hacer, pero estoy en Mexico. Y no tengo mi pc, con la que hago los mods.
  7. Your textures are cool.
  8. That movie have a lot of mistakes
  9. Where i cant find the old version of the game it's only for curiosity
  10. xd the texture are the zapoctec whit diferent colors :v how a share my repo in the 0 AD mods
  11. No for now i only have the Mexica(Aztec) civilization and my idea is add the tlaxcaltecs to
  12. Hi all i on my vacations but for now here is the repo https://github.com/Osimedias/Mesoamerican-Mod maybe need help and maybe you find Bad english
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