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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. I know we don't have have units on walls but I'm saying it would be great if we did. Actually I'm going to put that in the wish list
  2. Hmmm You don't need to change that. The AI can attack building on the wall but only with ranged units. Your ranged units on the wall are immune to swordsmen and melee
  3. Indeed. Could just put units on walls and let them attack from there. Like Stronghold crusader? I tell you what would be cool, is if we can put Roman balista units on walls and wall towers
  4. Yes definitely need an interactive gui for troops and provision management.
  5. Does anyone know if velles can throw javelins over walls? I really have not tested this...
  6. No I meant swapping swords for javelins using the velles animation. Probably edit the projectile too make it look like a pilum Just make duplicate file backups...
  7. I'm going to try Preatorians. Was engaged with Imperium for awhile but I guess ill gave a break and go torment some Gauls lol
  8. vi *.xml ... I'm just messing on Windows, and I'm lazy okay? lol So Lion you see where I'm going huh?
  9. Sadly in the mainstream side of things RTS doesn't have a market. That's why it's dormant. It will probably eventually come back "into fashion" sometime.
  10. Ah my bad .... I just noticed something ;/ UAC............... I only noticed this now.... ActorEditor is accounting conflict between accessing various files blocked by UAC lol
  11. I'll get the logs now, just a sec
  12. I should mention that when you open up the actor editor in alpha 15 on Windows it stops 0.A.D from working by presenting this error message I'm not posting for help, as I did get things working, but for the less savvy users out there will pose problems
  13. Dark Ages of RTS ...... I like that. Then 0 A.D. is the "Rome" amongst the @#$% Empire Earth 2 sucked immensely because of unlimited resources and not really good graphics either. Empire Earth 3 ??? Is this even a game??? What is that? lol
  14. I enjoyed Empire Earth 1 a lot. Very nice game. 2 and 3 SUCKS!
  15. I really didn't know that.... And AOE in the rise of Rome expansion did include Rome.... But really... In my honest opinion the buildings were fine. But the military units art sucked There is nothing "Roman" about them. That was always my biggest beef with AOE. Honestly where does this Look like this Ehh..... Microsoft could of done alooooooooot better than that ... The closest I've seen which resembles anything like above which is actually AOM units made by purple design studio
  16. Definitely some archers with a reasonable range. Could probably increase the range for javelins too I quite liked the composite bowmen in AOE That's about the length of an English longbow in the Medieval era. Bows in ancient times were shorter. And because this is 0 A.D taking art seriously.... And for those that love the Kataphractoi side of life Few examples
  17. You'd need a special building... Example, the Roman senate. Why I say this is because these emissary parties dispatched by the AI need to go somewhere. Once they arrive at the "government building" a menu interface kicks up where you receive the proposals and manage the political aspects. Probably a portrait of the emissary on the side or whoever is dealing with. Just a simple user interface. This is the same building where you create such units btw.
  18. Like wuth regards to an ambassador.... The AI works like this For example, if borders are close and their happens to be iron in your border, AI sends an objective out to negotiate on extending or gaining permission to mine etc etc very complex scripting here as politics isn't simple and to code an AI like this to work properly is labour. What's the point of this you ask? Probably a political game mode? With a vastly sophisticated AI? Instead of going gungho all out war, we play the AI in a type of politically chess like fashion and in the random sequence of events on behalf the AI or if the human decides to disagree with the AI's proposals or whatever then the teddybears go to war. Its certainly an appealing suggestion probably a probability
  19. Right It definitely can work in the game. But isn't that what options are for? If you as a player don't want micro managing game then option menus need to specify such game types regulating the intensity at which you manage. I disagree with limiting the game with exclusions. Now about the AI will act upon these choices can either be by sending the human player a notification like AOK which .... is seriously outdated... Or it can dispatch as you say emissary units which I think that's a cool idea. An emissary party once dispatched includes trade officials to open up trade between empires and ambassadors for border squabbles or the demanding of resources if the AI is an uptight lprd and master -- the classical political drama I can help in creating an AI like this. With that said it adds a lot of realism to it. Holy cow my mind is going over this now. You don't even get this in any micro managing game I've played, and that's precisely the point, having them as units carrying out the objectives is an RTS trait.
  20. "Strain every nerve for the preservation of the state, look in every quater for the storms which will burst upon you IF YOU DO NOT SEE THEM IN TIME" -- Cicero

  21. Actually whilst I'm on this subject, I should point out that I can make sounds and will be for the Romans. I have horse sounds, (moving) galloping etc. And pilum in flight sounds plus impact sounds which I need to brush up a little. They very cool.
  22. Actually it is fair.. Because say like you have the wiff wraff drinking out of wooden goblets... The other civilizations would have the same thing ... So in this case, the Romans still win because had the finest artisans and carpenters who would of made fine wooden goblets... Even if they are standard and common. But there was so much lost in time... what you had was a place teeming with variety which sadly didn't last over the years for us to marvel at...
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