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Hades0299 last won the day on February 22 2014

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  1. Great, Thanks for the Info Hades
  2. Thank you for your answer. I hope you can find an solution. lg Hades
  3. Hello everyone, I use the svn-Version of 0 A.D. and compile it myself. The compile runs without any complains, but if I start the test i get multiple errors. Im using archlinux on a x64 machine. I am not shure if it is a problem with my System or the tests, but hopefully you can help finding the reasons for them.
  4. Well on my ubuntu there is an icon for 0 A.D. in the Software Center. if you wish i can add an Screenshot.
  5. This map looks really great. I hope you finish this map soon, because I cannot wait to explore it.
  6. Open http://localhost:5280/admin in your browser, login with the Username and the Password that you set as you set up your server. Goto "Virtual Host" and click on the Hostname you created. Then goto Users and tell me what you see. In your post #13 you tried to connect to your server with two diffrent commands: ./XpartaMuPP.py -l ubuntu --password 123456 --nickname WFGbotand ./XpartaMuPP.py --domain ubuntu --password 123456 --nickname WFGbotAs you see, they are different in one part: In the first, successful, Command you use "-l Ubuntu", in the second "--domain Ubuntu". with -l you specify the loginname, and with --domain, the place to find your server.
  7. Do you have a user named xpartamupp? In the README is written, that this user is expected: Z.46: Enter a login (use "xpartamupp" since that's what clients and the ipstamp module expect) Actually I am able to set up a server according to the README.
  8. It would be nice to have this as an Easter egg in the game. I’m not sure, are there any Easter Eggs in the game already?
  9. Dose other 0ad-specific Shortcuts response as they should? Might be, that the desktops have their own keybinding for Alt-Enter. You could look in the settings from those desktops.
  10. Died you try to relaunch 0ad after that? And your Desktop looks very much like OS X, you're sure you use Vista and not a mac and try to Launch 0ad with wine? If you use some customized desktop, that could be the Problem. I have no experience with such themes, so I cannot say much about them.
  11. Copy the gamedata to another place on your disk, for example your desktop or your Users-directory. You should find it in your Programms folder, search for somthing like 0 A.D. or Pyrogenesis.exe. you should find a directory called binaries, that is the gamedata. to start use the pyrogenesis.exe in binaries\system\. Vista has an interesting Userrights mangment, so it could help do try it from an external media, like an USB-Stick or a portable Harddisk. I will show if I can find a vista, to try this myself today.
  12. Did yu tried to start it with Administration rights or from another directory?
  13. I think, that those maps with many trees don't need many trees to regrow. Only a little percentage, 10% or so, should regrow. There wouldn't be many Problems with path finding. On maps with less trees that percentage could be higher. On desert maps you have a Oasis, and trees might regrow only near of them. Maybe a technologie could be designed to plant new trees, if necessary.
  14. The actual version of 0ad deals with the time about 500 BC until 0 AD. I think, that I’ve read somewhere, that a second part of 0ad, should one be released, would deal with the 500 years AD. I hope, they could release another part after that, so those resources could be added there.
  15. Very nice ideas, especially growing trees would be nice. I’m no developer, so I’m not sure, how difficult this would be to implement. About Uranium, Fossil Fuels and Wind/Solar power, I think they would not fit in a game, that is about the times BC. They would fit into a game about the modern era. Cotton could be used to make Clothing for the units, maybe in form of a little amount of Cotton to get a new soldier.
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