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Everything posted by WhiteTreePaladin

  1. On a side note, adding JavaScript support to Atlas should make it possible to use the wall/gate system directly in the editor.
  2. You can parent multiple objects at the same time. The last one selected should become the parent. Ctrl+p sounds correct.
  3. It's more to avoid having your units automatically attack. Otherwise, you could open any gate just by luring some enemy units near.
  4. The loading screen images are cropped, so we could do it if we set a standard. If we ever wanted to change it, we would have to redo all the images though. It is a bit more effort.
  5. Either that or snapping to a grid would be good for me.
  6. Rolling seas would be awesome though. Anything comparable to BFME2 would be great.
  7. Sounds great. Does it support playing one random civ specific track after another? After it's stabilized, battle music support will be awesome.
  8. Officially, no. We won't be submitting it for a rating and we aren't subject to any rules. I do think I remember the goal being to stay along Age of Empires lines. I think "teen" was specifically mentioned, but that was awhile ago. Rating aside, I do think skulls would look better. The heads tend to blend in; I forget that they are even there most of the time. (AoK did have heads on poles in the scenario editor, but the detail was obviously very low.)
  9. I like the shadow on the bottom of the water. Can we have both simultaneously?
  10. Yeah, I would prefer skulls instead of heads. Would fit better with our rating goal of "teen" and I think it would look better too as it stands out more from a distance.
  11. Also, I think the standard is that if someone's work makes it in, they stay in the credits even if their work doesn't make it into the final game. It's all part of the process of making and advancing the game. As for myconid, I think he'll be added shortly (once his work is actually added), but Erik probably phrased it best.
  12. I don't think we should rush this. I'd say Alpha 12 at the earliest. We wouldn't want to recommend this until we have thoroughly tested it. [edit] There's lots of potential security issues.
  13. BFME2 did have fantastic water/rolling seas.
  14. Oh yes, I forgot about cloud shadows. They looked nice in BFME2.
  15. The alphas make it easier to find players for multiplayer. Also, with SVN you have to be prepared for some breakage from time to time.
  16. Improvements in all of those areas are greatly needed, if you're still interested in working on this project after the graphics.
  17. I'm a little confused. The name and description should be working. As far as I know it never stopped working.
  18. Oh, yeah all it gives right now is just the name and info. I can put more or less stuff there, I don't mind either way.
  19. OK, centered the shield and removed the player color from the queue panel. I tried to fix the multiple unit selection health, but it apparently won't refresh until you at least hover over some entity. In other words, if you selected a group with full health and then selected a subset of them, they would appear injured. When you hovered or clicked something else (even trees count) then the heal bar would fill correctly.
  20. I've removed the bold from the generic name, so people should be able to compare them now.
  21. That terrain stretching has been a sore point for a long time. Would be great to have it fixed.
  22. I think the reflective water and shadows are disabled by default when the game detects certain GPUs. I think Philip added that at one time. [edit] Actually, it's probably an availability check for certain features, not a check on the GPUs themselves.
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